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Control is provided to the administrator through system setup, Dell OpenManage™ IT Assistant, or Dell custom-factory integration. LegacySelect allows administrators to electronically activate or deactivate connectors and media devices that include serial and USB connectors, a parallel connector, a floppy drive, PCI slots, and a PS/2 mouse. Connectors and media devices that are deactivated make resources available. You must restart the computer to effect the changes. Manageability DASH DASH (Desktop and mobile Architecture for System Hardware) is a Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF) management initiative that standardizes the manageability interfaces for mobile and desktop hardware. The focus of the DASH architecture is to enable the remote management of desktop and mobile computing resources in a standard manner that is independent of operating state. Your computer supports early versions of the DASH initiative including the following management profiles: l Base Desktop Mobile l Power State Management l Boot Control l CPU l System Memory l Fan l Power Supply l Sensor l Physical Asset l Software Inventory Active Management Technology Intel Active Management Technology (iAMT) provides secure systems management capabilities that reduce IT costs and allow better discovery, healing, and protection of networked computing assets. With iAMT, computers can be managed regardless of whether the computer is on, off, or the operating system is hung. Key benefits of iAMT are: l Reduced desk-side visits l Automation of more management functionality through enablement of systems management console software l Improved security NOTE: If you have chosen to use "None" (no manageability) or ASF, you will be unable to take advantage of DASH features and profiles. NOTE: iAMT can be configured using Dell Client Manager (DCM) 2.1.1 or later. For complete information on how to configure iAMT, see the Dell Client Manager 2.1.1 (or later) documentation on For more information about Dell's iAMT implementation, see the Client Systems Management Administrator's Guide available on the Dell Support website at support.dell.com. iAMT Features Basic Functionality l Ability to discover, track, and inventory assets in the presence or absence of the operating systems. The computer must have the power cable connected and must be connected to the network. l Ability to power on and power off the computer remotely, whatever the state of the operating system. Advanced Functionality l Ability to do remote issues remediation (1-to-1) via text-based console redirection (Serial-over-LAN) and IDE redirection. l Hardened security via agent presence (enables detection of removed agents) and network access control (Circuit breaker) and software version control Your computer aids in troubleshooting iAMT by providing the following iAMT related error messages: Out of Band Management The term "out of band" refers to the ability to manage the computer in the absence of an operating system or with the operating system in an unusable state, or with the computer powered off. The only requirement for managing such a computer is for AMT capability to be enabled and a network cable plugged into the integrated network adapter. Accessing iAMT setup Intel's Management Engine BIOS Extension (MEBx) interface controls the iAMT features and setup options for your computer. MEBx is used to: l Turn on or off iAMT l Set iAMT modes l Set iAMT configuration modes To view the MEBx setup screen, press during the boot process of your computer when you turn it on. Your default MEBx password is admin. Turning Off iAMT iAMT is enabled in the Management Engine (ME) firmware by default. However, you may choose to turn off the iAMT feature. To turn off iAMT: 1. Press