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The computer uses a state-of-the-art bus architecture, which improves system efficiency and helps the system support varied multimedia and software applications. Your AcerSystem has standard I/O (input/output) interfaces such as a parallel port, PS/2 keyboard and mouse ports, USB 2.0 ports, and stereo microphone, line-in and line-out jacks (configuration may vary by models). The system can accommodate extra peripheral equipment through these I/O ports. Your system can also support an optional high-speed fax/data modem or an additional LAN (local area network) card. Furthermore, the system is compatible with Microsoft® Windows® or Linux-based operating systems. Necessary to know before setup Selecting a location Selecting the optimum location for your computer: • Do not place the system too close to other electrical equipment. • Do not place the system in high-traffic areas or where the power cord or other cords may be stepped on. • Avoid placing the system in any location that is excessively dusty or damp. Opening the package Open the package carefully and keep all packing materials for later use. Ensure that all items are present and in good condition. If any of the following items are missing or appear damaged, contact your dealer immediately: • AcerSystem • Mouse (PS/2 or USB) • Keyboard (PS/2 or USB) 3 • Wireless keyboard with pointing function • Remote control for Microsoft® Windows® Vista / Microsoft® Windows® XP Media Center Edition Note: Mouse, keyboard, wireless keyboard or remote control configuration may vary by selected models • User's Guide and Starter poster Other user documentation and third-party software. Connecting peripherals After everything is connected, plug the power cord into the system and insert the other end into a power outlet. Note: Don't connect the system power cord before connecting all peripherals to the system. Starting your computer After connecting all the peripheral equipment, start your computer according to the steps below: 1 Turn on all peripheral equipment, such as the monitor, printer, fax, speakers, etc. 2 Turn on the system. Once the start up process is complete, you can begin to use your computer. Shutting down your computer From the "Start" menu, select "Shut Down" and click OK. In the event of a system crash, press and hold the power button on the front of the system for four seconds. After the system has shut down, turn ...
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