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Инструкция по эксплуатации Dell, модель OPTI PLEX NX1

Производитель: Dell
Размер: 6.42 mb
Название файла: 2403e.pdf
Язык инструкции:en
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&RPSXWHU. The OptiPlex NX1 computers have an 80-W computer power supply. The power supply can operate from an AC power source of 115 VAC at 60 Hz or 230 VAC at 50 Hz. The system power supply provides the DC operating voltages and currents listed in Table 1 -5. NOTE:The power supply produces DC voltages onlyunder its loaded condition. Therefore, whenyou measurethese voltages,the DC powerinput connectors must be connected totheir correspondingpowerinputconnectors on the system board and hard-disk drive. System Overview 1-31 . 7DEOH2SWL3OH[1;'&9ROWDJH5DQJH. 9ROWDJ. 5DQJ. 0D[LPXP2XWSXW&XUUHQW1 +3.3 VDC + 3.1 4 to + 3 .47 VDC 6. 0 A 1 +5 VDC + 4.75 t o +5.2 5 VDC 1 2 .0 A 1 +1 2 VDC + 11. 40 to + 1 2. 60 VDC 1. 0 A 2 –1 2 VDC – 1 0 . 80 to –1 3.2 0 VDC 0 . 5 A +5 VF P 3 + 4 .75 t o + 5 .2 5 VDC 1. 2 A 1 The combined load on the +5-VDC and +3.3-VDC outputs should not exceed 65 W. 2 Withstands surges of up to 3.0 A to support disk start-up operations. 3 VFP (volts flea power) — sometimes called “standby power.” 2SWL3OH[1;3LQ$VVLJQPHQWVIRUWKH'&3RZHU&RQQHFWRUV. The power-supply output voltages can be measured at the back (wire side) of the connectors without disconnecting them. Figures 1 -24 through 1 -26 show the wire side of the connectors. open common (black) common (black) common (black) PSON# 1 (gray) +5 VDC(red) +5 VDC(red) +5 VDC(red) TFSC2 (brown) +5 VDC(red) 1112 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 1234 5678 910 +5 VDC (red) common (black) +5 VDC (red) common (black) PWRGOOD 3 (orange) common (black) common (black) –12 VDC (blue) +12 VDC(yellow) +5 VFP (purple) 1 Pin 11 — PSON# should measure between +4 and +5 VDC except when the power but tton on the front panel is pressed, taking PSON# to itsactive-low state. 2 Pin 19 — Thermal fan-speed control (TFSC) is a power-supply input signal used to control the power-supply fan speed. 3 Pin 5 — PWRGOODshould measure between +4and +5 VDC when the power supply is on toindicate that allpower-supplyoutput voltages are within the ranges specified in Table 1-5. )LJXUH'&3RZHU&RQQHFWRU3IRUWKH2SWL3OH[1;&RPSXWH. 1-32 'HOO2SWL3OH[*;*;S0DQDJHG3&DQG2SWL3OH[1;1HW3&6\VWHPV6HUYLFH0DQXD. 1 2 3 4 5 P2 6 5 P2 6 +3.3 VDC(blue/white) +3.3 VDC(blue/white) +3.3 VDC(blue/white) common (black) common (black) common (black) )LJXUH'&3RZHU&RQQHFWRU3IRUWKH2SWL3OH[1;&RPSXWH. P3 1234 +5 VDC(red) common (black) common (black) +12 VDC(yellow) )LJXUH'&3RZHU&RQQHFWRU3IRUWKH2SWL3OH[1;&RPSXWH. '&3RZHU'LVWULEXWLRQIRUWKH2SWL3OH[1;&RPSXWH. Figures 1-27 and 1-28 provide the following information about DC power distribution: . Power-supply connector identification . Power cable connection for the hard-disk drive . Power distribution to sockets and connectors on the system board P3 P2 P1 )LJXUH'&3RZHU&DEOHVIRUWKH2SWL3OH[1;&RPSXWH. System Overview 1-33 +5 VDC +3.3 VDC fuses (2) core VCC +2.1 to +3.5 VDC +3.3 VDC power management and NIC logic RTC/ NVRAM +5 VDC +5 VDC +5 VDC +5 VFP +12 VDC –12 VDC +3 VDC P2 +3.3 VDC PWRGOOD P1 POWER_1 PSON# +5 VFP +5 VDC +12 VDC –12 VDC PSON# +5 VFP +5 VDC +12 VDC –12 VDC P3 +12 VDC +12 VDC –12 VDC system power supply battery +3.3 VDC +5 VDC MICROPROCESSOR PANEL KYBD MOUSE DIMM_A main memory sockets FAN RISER riser board system board POWER_2 processor core regulator +5 VDC USB internal hard-disk drive NOTE: +5 VFP is routed to the integrated NIC logic on the system board and to P1 on the riser board. DIMM_B DIMM_C +3.3 VDC power management and NIC logic RTC/ NVRAM +5 VDC +5 VDC +5 VDC +5 VFP +12 VDC –12 VDC +3 VDC P2 +3.3 VDC PWRGOOD P1 POWER_1 PSON# +5 VFP +5 VDC +12 VDC –12 VDC PSON# +5 VFP +5 VDC +12 VDC –12 VDC P3 +12 VDC +12 VDC –12 VDC system power supply battery +3.3 VDC +5 VDC MICROPROCESSOR PANEL KYBD MOUSE DIMM_A main memory sockets FAN RISER riser board system board POWER_2 processor core regulator +5 VDC USB internal hard-disk drive NOTE: +5 VFP is routed to the integrated NIC logic on the system board and to P1 on the riser board. DIMM_B DIMM_C P1 PCI1 )LJXUH'&3RZHU'LVWULEXWLRQIRUWKH2SWL3OH[1;&RPSXWH. 1-34 'HOO2SWL3OH[*;*;S0DQDJHG3&DQG2SWL3OH[1;1HW3&6\VWHPV6HUYLFH0DQXD. 7HFKQLFDO6SHFLILFDWLRQV. z 7DEOH7HFKQLFDO6SHFLILFDWLRQ. . 0LFURSURFHVVR. Microprocessor type . . . . . . Intel Pentium II microprocessor with MMX technology Microprocessor speed. . . . . 266, 333, 350, 400, or 450 MHz (the GX1p is only available in 400 or 450 MHz) External system clock . . . . . 66/100 MHz Internal cache. . . . . . . . . . . . 32-KB (16-KB data cache and 16-KB instruc tion cache) Math coprocessor . . . . . . . . internal to the microprocessor 6\VWHP,QIRUPDWLR. System chip set . . . . . . . . . . Intel 440BX AGPSet chip set Data bus width... . . . . . ... 64 bits Address bus width. . . . . ... 32 bits DMAchannels. . . . . . . . . . . seven Interrupt levels. . . . . . . . . . . 15 Flash EPROM (BIOS). . . . . . 2 Mb ([SDQVLRQ%X. Bus types. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . PCI and ISA (PCI bus complies with PCI Specification 2.1) Bus speeds ..... . . . . . ... PCI: 33 MHz;ISA:8.33 MHz PCI expansion-car...

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