Инструкция по эксплуатации ZTE, модель MF65 (AIS)
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Please consult the manufacturer of your device before using if necessary. • Operating your device may interfere with medical devices like hearing aids and pacemakers. Please always keep them more than 20 centimeters away from such medical devices when they are turned on. Turn your device off if necessary. Consult a physician or the manufacturer of the medical device before using your device. • Be aware of the usage limitation when using your device at places such as oil warehouses or chemical factories, where there are explosive gases or explosive products being processed. Turn off your device if required. • The use of electronic transmitting devices is forbidden in aircrafts, at petrol stations and in hospitals. Please observe and obey all warning signs and switch off your device in these conditions. • Do not touch the inner antenna area if not necessary. Otherwise it will affect your device’s performance. • Store your device out of the reach of little children. Your device may cause injury if used as a toy. • Do not touch the metallic parts of your device so as to avoid a burn, when your device is working. Using Your Device • Please use original accessories or accessories that are authorized. Using any unauthorized accessories may affect your device’s performance, and violate related national regulations about telecom terminals. • Avoid using your device near or inside metallic s t r u c t u r e s o r e s t a b l i s hme n t s t h a t c a n emi t electromagnetic waves. Otherwise it may influence signal reception. • Your device is not waterproof. Please keep it dry and store in a shady and cool place. • Do not use your device immediately after a sudden temperature change. In such case, it will produce dew inside and outside your device, so don’t use it until it becomes dry. • Handle your device carefully. Do not drop, bend or strike it. Otherwise your device will be damaged. • No dismantling by non-professionals and only qualified technicians can undertake repair work. • Operating temperature range of 0°C ~ +35°C and humidity range of 5% ~ 95% are recommended. Using Battery • Do not short-circuit the battery, as this can cause excessive heat and fire. • Do not store battery in hot areas or dispose of it in a fire to avoid explosion. • Do not disassemble or modify the battery. • When not using the battery for a long period, remove it from your device and store it in a cool dry place. • Never use any charger or battery damaged or worn out. • Return the wear-out battery to the provider or put it in the appointed recycle place. Do not put it in familial rubbish. WARNING: If the battery is broken, keep away from it. If it taints your skin, wash your skin with abundant fresh water and ask doctor help if necessary. Limited Warranty • This warranty does not apply to defects or errors in the Product caused by: i. Reasonable abrasion. ii. End User’s failure to follow ZTE’s installation, operat ion or ma...