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Инструкция по эксплуатации ZTE, модель MF823(Vodacom)

Производитель: ZTE
Размер: 1.29 mb
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Select ‘Support’ from the Menu bar for more information and local support. No net work can be found Change your physical location: in a building, move closer to a window, move higher up, or go outside – Open the QuickStar t application window – Select the Settings heading on the Navigation bar – Select the Net work entr y in the Menu bar on the lef t – Click ‘ Search’ to search for available net works – See if you can connect to one of the allowed net works listed – Click ‘ Save’ to save your change – If you are abroad , contact Suppor t , and check that data ser vices and roaming are enabled on your account. Re -installing the sof t ware If you want to re-install the sof t ware from the USB Stick , you need to first delete the Vodafone Mobile Broadband Ser vice soft ware from your computer. – From the Windows Star t menu, select Settings> Control Panel>Add or Remove Programs ( XP) or Programs and Features ( Windows 7) – Run the Vodafone Mobile Broadband Uninstaller – Re-inser t your USB Stick and the sof t ware will re-install. No connection can be opened (1) – Check the device status (click on desktop shor tcut , select the QuickStar t tab, Help on Set tings bar, and select Diagnostics from the menu). This may indicate the source of the problem. No connection can be opened ( 2) Wait a few minutes and tr y to connect again. This is most of ten a temporar y problem, especially if an ‘Error 631’ or ‘Error 619’ isreferenced. If the problem persists , please call Suppor t. – Close the application window and then re-open it – Re-s tar t your computer – Open the QuickStar t application window – Select the Settings heading on the Navigation bar – Select the Net work entr y in the Menu bar on the lef t – Check which option is selected. If the option is set to a ‘Preferred’ option, set it to an ‘Only ’ option – Click ‘ Save’ to save your change – If you are using a VPN ( Vir tual Private Net work ), contac t the administrator of your VPN – Select the Account tab – Select the Account t ype heading in the Navigation bar – Check that the t ype of account you have with your mobile net work operator is selected in the drop -down menu. Glossary Bearer Communication method used for data transpor t over the mobile net work , eg. 3G Broadband, HSPA , 3G , etc. USB stick A device for your computer that you can use to open a data connection over the mobile phone net work . EDGE An enhancement to the GPRS bearer of fering higher speeds, although not as fast as 3G Broadband. GPRS The General Packet Radio Ser vice is a bearer offering higher data speeds than GSM , on which it is based. GSM Global System for Mobile Communication. Home net work The net work of the mobile operator who provided your SIM. HSPA High-Speed Packet Access bearer, enhancing 3G , including both HSUPA (Uplink ) and HSDPA (Downlink ). HSUPA High-Speed Uplink Packet Access bearer. 3G The third-generation mobile phone ser vic...

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