Фрагмент инструкции
NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRATIONS ARE NOT TO SCALE. -Piece Trim Kit 4-Piece Trim Kit -Piece Trim Kit Cat.No. Model No. Description 96K 1 TK 5PB 5" Polished Brass, SSBV- 5 0 96K TK40PB 40" Polished Brass, SSBV-40 5 H1815 TK 5BS 5” Brush Stainless, SSBV- 5 0 H1816 TK40BS 40", Brush Stainless, SSBV-40 5 H48 1 TK 5C 5” Charcoal, SSBV- 5 0 H48 TK40C 40", Charcoal, SSBV-40 5 4 Piece Trim Kit Cat.No. Model No. Description 96K17 TK 5PB4 5” 4 Piece Finish Trim Kit, Polished Brass, SSBV- 5 0 96K18 TK40PB4 40” 4 Piece Finish Trim Kit, Polished Brass, SSBV-40 5 (ref. Form # 750,147M) Decorative Arch Screen Panel Kit Cat.No. Model No. Description H 59 DASPK 5TI 5” Arch Screen Panel H 594 DASPK40TI 40” Arch Screen Panel (ref. Form # 750,199M) Decorative Arch Screen Panel Kits This one-piece decorative screen panel assembly fits on the face of the appliance over the glass doorframe and prevent contact with the hot glass surface. Decorative Firebox Accessories (all models) Cat. No. Model No. Description 88L5 FGE Bag of Glowing Embers (1 oz. rockwool) 80L4 FDVS Bag of Decorative Volcanic Stone (FDVS ref. Form #750,010M) Bag of Glowing Embers Bag of Volcanic Stone Replacement ember materials or volcanic stone are available for use with these appliances. Order kits as part of the periodic maintenance of the appliance. LIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS – HONEYWELL AND SIT MILLIVOLT GAS VALVE NOTE:DIAGRAMS&ILLUSTRATIONSARENOTTOSCALE. WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY, A FIRE OR EXPLOSION MAY RESULT CAUSING PROPERTY DAMAGE, PERSONAL INjURY OR LOSS OF LIFE. FOR YOUR SAFETY READ BEFORE LIGHTING A. Thisappliancehasapilotwhichmustbelightedwithapiezoigniter.Whenlightingthepilot,followtheseinstructionsexactly. B. BEFORE OPERATING smellallaroundtheapplianceareaforgas.Besuretosmellnexttothefloorbecausesomegasisheavierthanairandwillsettleonthefloor. WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS • Extinguish any open flame. • Open windows. • Do not light any appliance. • Do not touch any electrical switches. TO TURN OFF GAS TO APPLIANCE 1. Turnremotewallswitch“OFF.”Thepilotwillremainlitfornormalservice. . Forcompleteshutdown,turnremotewallswitchto“OFF.” . Accessthelowercontrolcompartment. 4. Depressgascontrolknobslightlyandturnclockwiseto“OFF.”Donotforce. 5. Closelowercontrolcompartment. LIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS 1. STOP! ReadthesafetyinformationaboveonthisPage. . Accessthelowercontrolcompartment. . Turnremotewallswitchto“OFF.” 4. Verifymainlineshut-offvalveisopen. 5. Pushingascontrolknobslightlyandturnclockwise to“OFF.” • Do not use any phone in your building. • Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor’s phone. • If your gas supplier cannot be reached, call the fire department. C. Useonlyyourhandtopushinorturnthegascontrolknob. Neverusetools.Iftheknobwillnotpushinorturnbyhand, donottrytorepairit,callaqualifiedservicetechnician.Forceorattemptedrepairmayresultinafireoranexplosion. D. Donotusethisapplianceifanyparthasbeenunderwater. Immediatelycallaqualifiedservicetechniciantoinspect...
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