Фрагмент инструкции
39003D1, “Procedure for Gas Appliances," (packaged with the equipment) for information concerning combustion, venting, piping, and other standard installation practices. The current edition of the American National Standard “Installation of Gas Appliances and Gas Pipihg,” Z21.30, takes precedence over all other reference publications pertinent to this installation instruction. Both models are shipped factory-as-sembled. Installation comprises the following: * I. Inspection * II. Location and Suspension '* III. Gas Piping IV. Duct Connections V. Wiring * VI. Venting VII. Start-up and Adjustment VIII. Service and Maintenance *To perform . these, sections JÇor. installation steps), refer to tlie appropriate sections of Bryant form No, 39QQ3P1 (packaged with this equipment). FILE PY NOT REMOVE 071130 Figure 1 TÂBDÊT^Mtrol Options COMPONENT PROPANE GAS 02 NATURAL D4 NATURAL D5 Bryant Pilot X X .Gas, Ya).vß_____________ ....... - • ----- .... . x. . . X *Gas Pressure Regulator X X Transformer X X X Modulator X 10(№ Shu toff X X Thermocouple X X Pilot Relay X Pilots tat X *A-643 Bryant gas valve with integral gas pressure regulator is used on D4 and D5 for sizes 30 thru 150; A-641 Jess regulator is used on D2 for aJl sizes. A-641 with separate gas pressure regulator is used on D4 and D5 for sizes 175 thru 400- SEP/08/2008/MQN 12:20 PM UTC TECH PUB FAX No. 317 240 5662 P. 002/008 DIMENSIONS A7O072 Figuré 2 - Dimensional Drawing ) Table lll-Gas Connections and Weights Gas Connection Size Approximate iShitwifflP Natural Propane Weight 50 1/2 1/2 120 , , ... .. 1/2 _ ---------172 ...... 100 1/2 1/2 16? 125 1/2 1/2 180 150 1/2 1/2 210 175 1/2 1/2 230 200 112 1/2 275 250 3/4 3/4 330 300 3/4 3/4 410 400 3/4 3/4 560 TABLE II-Dimensions in Inches Size A B Ç D E F G H J K L 50 15- 1/2 30-3/41 30 (3^13/16 18-7/8 18-9/16j 2-1/8 4 12-I/S 14-1/8 4-5/J6 75 ' 18-1/2 ' 30-3/4 ; 30 16-13/16 15-7/8 18-9/16 2-1/8 5 12-1/8 17-1/8 4-5/16 too ; . 21-1/2 30,3/4 3T-1/2. 19-13/16 18 7/S 18-9/16 2-11/16 5 12-1/8 20-1/8 5-13/16 125 24-1/2 30-3/4 3M/2 22-13/16 18-7/8 13-?/16 2-7/8 6 12-1/8 23-1/8 5-13/16 150 .21-1/2 40-3/4 34-1/2 19-13/16 23-7/8 21-9/16 2-7/S 7 14-1/4 20-1/8 5-13/16 175. 24-1/2 ’ 40-3/4 '34-1/2 22-13/16 23-7/8 21-9/16 2r7/8 7 14-1/4 23-1/8 5”13/16 200 27-1/2 40-3/4 34-1/2 25-13/16 23-7/8 21-9/1$ 2-7/8 8 14-1/4 26-1/8 5-13/16 250 33-1/2 40-3/4 34-1/2 3M3/16 ,,23-7/8 21-9/16 ; ..?‘7/S ■ ■: .8 ; 14-1/4, .. 32-1/8 ; >13/16 300 39-1/2 , 40-3/4 36-1/2 37*13/16 23-7/8 21-9/16 3-7/8 .9 . 14-1/4 33'1/8 7-13/16, 400 51-1/2 40-3/4 38 49-13/16 23-7/8 21-9/16 4-5/S 10 14-1/4 50-1/S 9-5/16 — 2 — TABLE IV^Capacities and Ratings-334 Duct Furnace AGA Ratin > BTU/fffit Air Temperature Rise Through Furnace Model Input Output r 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 50-334 50,000 : 40,000 CRM P.D.* 1240 0.138 1060 0Л02 925 0.078 825 0.059 740 0.049 670 0.039 620 0.033 570 0.029 530 0.025 500 0.022 465 0.019 435 0.017 415 0.015 75-334 75,000 ■ 60,000 i CRM P.m.* 1860 0.150 1590 0.126 1390 0.097 1235 0.073 1110 0.061 1010 0,048 925 0.041 855 0.036 795 0.031 745 0.027 695 0.024 660 0.021 620 0.019 100-334 100,000 1 80,000 CRM P.D.* 2475 0.240 2110 0.176 1850 0.135 1645 0.105 1480 0.086 1345 0.070 1230 0.059 1140 0,051 1055 0.044 990 0.039 925 0.034 875 0.030 825 0.027 125-334 125,000 100,000 г \ CFrM P.D.* i 3100 0.280 2640 0.205 2315 0Л56 2060 0.122 1850 ОЛОО 1685 0.081 1545 0.068 1425 0.059 1320 0.051 1285 0.045 1160 0.039 1095 0.035 1035 0.031 J 150-334 150,000 .120, opo 1 p CFM Р.ф.* 3720 0.492 3180 0.360 2780 0.275 2470 0.214 2220 0.175 2020 0.143 1850 0.121 1710 0.104 1590 0.089 1480 0.078 1390 0.068 1315 0.061 1240 0.053 175-334 175,000 140,000 i [ cf|m P.E).* 4320 0.492 3700 0.360 3240 0.275 2886 0.214 2590 0.175 2360 0.143 2160 0.121 1995 0.104 1850 0.089 1725 0.078 1620 0,068 1525 0.061 1445 0.053 200-334 200,000 160,000 I CFM P.D.* 4950 0.492 4240 0.360 3700 0.275 3290 0.214 2960 0Л75 2695 0.143 2465 0.121 2280 0.104 2120 0.089 1975 0.078 1850 0,068 1740 0.061 1650 0*053 250-334 250,000 200,000 s CFjM P.D.* 6200 0.492 5280 0.360 4630 0.275 4110 0.214 3700 0Л75 3370 0.143 3090 0.121 2850 0.104 2640 0.089 2460 0.078 2315 0.068 2180 0.061 2070 0.053 300-334 300,000 240,000 CFM P.E).* 7425 0.492 6360 0.360 5560 0.275 4940 0.214 4440 0.175 4040 0.143 3700 0.121 3420 0.104 3180 0.089 2960 0.078 2780 0,068 2620 0.061 2475 0.053 400-334 400,000 320,OpO CFM P.m.* 9900 0.492 8480 0.360 7400 0.275 6580 0.214 5920 0Л75 5390 0.143 4930 0Л21 4560 0.104 4240 0.089 3960 0.078 3700 0.068 3480 0.061 3300 0.053 i for altitudes to 2,000 feet for all gases. Ratings foF aJtitud.es over 2,000 feet are 4&3ess for each 1,000 feet above sea ' tRatings. are approved ( level. I | ^Pressure Drop through Unit inches water column. Minimum range settings are preset at factory, Temperature rises atidve 8(P limited Eo use with biower and adapter specified, a...
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