Фрагмент инструкции
All distances are minimum clearance requirements for service access, air flow and safety. Free blowing DualAir® units must always be installed at least 1.8 m above the floor. Ducted installations may be floor mounted. The flue pipe must have clearance from combustibles by 5 cm. SECTION 4: SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 4: SPECIFICATIONS 4.1 DAT &'! (% ) * "($$ + "" " , -( $$ ./% *,0&$$ -'! 10$$2 "( 3 $ 42 % * " (% 4'! 2 ' *,0&$$ -01567&106' *) 181(% 10$$"!% 9% / "!%:$ .#( :08 "11$$%+#+ "" " 186871&0106' *) 1&' *:01&56&10661081&6+; 2 !&0510*(% 4'! 2 6 6" 6 6 7)- 68" 6 7)- 68 DUALAIR® HEATING AND COOLING UNITS INSTALLATION OPERATION AND SERVICE MANUAL 4.2 General Technical Data Table Model 75 90 100 115 Fan Data Designed Air Flow # with Clean Filters m 3/sec 2.88 3.7 Min Air Flow at Coil m 3/sec 1.66 2.60 Max Air Flow at Coil m 3/sec 3.71 5.34 Fan Unit 457-486 Double Inlet Belt Drive Fan Pulley mm PCD 2A x 180 / 2A x 200 2A x 180 Motor Pulley mm PCD 2A x 100 / 2A x 95 2A x 112 / 2A x 118 Vee Belts 2 x A 632 x A 64 Electrical Data - All models need 400v 50Hz 3N supply. Single phase supply output for control circuit 230v 50Hz fused at 5 Amp. All alarm and status signals 230v 50Hz. Modulation input 0-10vDC. Total Electrical Load kW 3.3 5.4 Motor Size kW 2.2 4.0 Full Load Current A 4.45 7.5 Run Current at Designed Air Flow # A 4.0 / 4.5 7.0 / 7.5 Start Current A 23.0 24.0 Cooling Coil - DX Max Cooling Load Split into Two Equal Circuits kW 57.74 71.54 Inlet Connection in 7/8 copper Outlet Connection in 1 3/8 copper 1 5/8 copper Condensate Connection ISO 7-R 1 Refrigerant R407C Design Temp. ON °C Dry Bulb 27 25 °C Wet Bulb 19.4 18.07 Design Temp. OFF °C Dry Bulb 14.66 13 °C Wet Bulb 13.72 12.3 Filters - All Models All Models Qty. 6 - Farr 30/30 grade 100 x 635 x 406 Initial Pressure Loss mbar 0.4 Max. Recommended Pressure Loss mbar1.5 Physical Data Weight kg 612 621 638 647 Noise from Cabinet at 1 m NR dB(A) 65 72 SPL dB(A) 68 67.5 Noise from Air Inlet at 1 m NR dB(A) 68 77 SPL dB(A) 73 75 Noise from Air Outlet at 1 m NR dB(A) 75 81 SPL dB(A) 76 77 Electrical load at 230v 50Hz measured by calculating from total run current of appliance. * Do not exceed the maximum length of flue stated or heater may not operate properly. Reduce the maximum length stated by 1 m for each 90° bend installed. **If minimum air flow requirements are not met then temperature limit devices will shut down the heater. SECTION 4: SPECIFICATIONS 4.3 Technical Data Table - Heater Section Appliance Category II 2H/L 3B/P Model 75 90 100 115 Heat Input Gross Calorific Value kW Btu/h x 1000 324 95 111 379 119 406 457 134 Heat Input Net Calorific Value kW Btu/h x 1000 293 86 341 100 365 107 121 413 Approximate Max Heat Output kW Btu/h x 1000 266 78 311 91 334 98 379 111 Min Heat Input - Low Fire Gross Calorific Value kW Btu/h x 1000 227 66.5 265 77.7 284 83.3 320 93.8 Min Heat Input - Low Fire Net Calorific Value kW Btu/h x 1000 205 60.2 239 70 256 74.9 289 84.7 Min Heat Output - Low Fire kW 54.6 63.7 68.6 77.7 Btu/h x 1000 186 217 234 265 *Combination Fan/Limit Thermostat Settings Set Point 1 Fan OFF Temp. °C 30 Set Point 2 Fan ON Temp. °C 50 45 45 Set Point 3 Limit Temp. °C 85 70 75 Secondary Limit Thermostat °C 75 Natural Gas (G20) Data - Inlet Pressure 20 mbar Min 17 mbar Max 25 mbar Max Burner Pressure mbar 6.6 6.0 6.2 6.3 Max Gas Flow Rate m 3/h ft3/h 319 9.0 371 10.5 398 11.3 451 12.8 Min Burner Pressure - Low Fire mbar 3.23 2.9 3.0 3.1 Min Gas Flow Rate m 3/h ft3/h 6.30 222.5 7.4 259.6 279.3 7.9 316.4 9.0 Natural Gas (G25) Data - Inlet Pressure 25 mbar Min 20 mbar Max 30 mbar Max Burner Pressure mbar 10.0 9.3 9.2 10.2 Max Gas Flow Rate m 3/h ft3/h 335.1 9.49 391 11.06 419 11.86 474 13.43 Min Burner Pressure - Low Fire mbar 4.9 4.6 4.5 5.0 Min Gas Flow Rate m 3/h ft3/h 6.64 234.6 7.74 273.4 293.2 8.30 9.40 332.0 LPG Gas Propane (G31) Data - Inlet Pressure 37 mbar (Alternative where permitted 50 mbar) Minimum 25 mbar Maximum 57.5 mbar Max Burner Pressure mbar 25.6 27.3 25.3 25.9 Max Gas Flow Rate m 3/h kg/h liquid l/h 12.8 6.5 3.51 14.9 7.58 4.09 16.0 8.13 4.39 18.1 9.21 4.97 Min Burner Pressure - Low Fire mbar 12.5 13.4 12.4 12.7 Min Gas Flow Rate m 3/h kg/h liquid l/h 8.96 4.55 2.46 10.43 5.31 2.86 11.20 5.69 3.07 12.67 6.45 3.48 LPG Butane (G30) Data - Inlet Pressure 29 mbar Min 20 mbar Max 35 mbar Max Burner Pressure mbar 18.3 19.4 18.3 18.7 Max Gas Flow Rate m 3/h kg/h liquid l/h 11.3 6.5 2.65 13.2 3.09 7.55 14.1 3.32 8.09 3.75 9.17 16.0 Min Burner Pressure - Low Fire mbar 9.0 9.5 9.0 9.2 Min Gas Flow Rate m 3/h kg/h liquid l/h 1.86 4.53 7.91 9.24 2.16 5.29 9.87 2.32 5.66 11.20 2.63 6.42 Gas rates corrected to standard conditions 1013.25 mbar 15°C. *See Page 44, Figure 19 for detailed Combination Fan/Limit Thermostat settings. DUALAIR® HEATING AND COOLING UNITS INSTALLATION OPERATION AND SERVICE MANUAL 4.4 DualAir® Performance Data - Graph of Air Flows v Static Pressure 4.4.1 DAT75 and 90 (2.2 kW or 4 kW motor) 4 4 . # 1 . 2& ...
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