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Инструкция по эксплуатации Philips, модель HP5231/01

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Clinical tests show that the deep, pleasant massage produced by its new, improved massage system can help you reduce or prevent unattractive cellulite more effectively than ever before – comfortably and easier to use, too. Cellesse SenseActive is the result of years of research by the Philips Personal Care Institute. Having investigated the causes of cellulite and tested all the various treatments available, we’ve now developed an effective way to give you the results on cellulite you’re looking for. This booklet explains what causes cellulite and describes how Cellesse SenseActive can help you solve this typically feminine problem. Important: Before you start to use the appliance, please take the time to read this booklet all the way through (especially the section headed Read carefully before using Cellesse SenseActive). 5 Cellulite - a typically feminine problem Cellulite is the name given to bumpy, pitted skin that arises when lumpy fat deposits situated just under the skin become visible. Because of its appearance, it’s often called “orange peel skin”. Cellulite only affects certain parts of the body, particularly the hips, thighs and buttocks. In more advanced stages, cellulite can be uncomfortable, even painful, when the skin is touched or squeezed. However, cellulite is a cosmetic problem, not a medical condition. It should not be confused with cellulitis, which is the inflammation of skin tissue, caused by a bacterial infection. Cellulite is the result of two things: the mattress-like structure of women’s skin Vertical fat deposits in the female skin Horizontal fat deposit in the male skin The natural mattress-like structure of women’s skin Men and women have different skin structures. Women’s skin naturally has a mattress-like structure. Fat is deposited in ‘pockets’ that stand at right angles to the surface, giving a structure that resembles a mattress with springs. This mattress-like structure becomes clearly visible when the skin is squeezed. In men’s skin, by contrast, fat is deposited in ‘pockets’ that tend to run horizontally under the skin. As a result of their skin structure, all women run the risk of developing cellulite. Do the Squeeze Test You can easily see this skin structure for yourself. Just gently squeeze an area of your thigh with both hands: you’ll probably be able to see the mattress-like structure of the fat layer. The lumpy structure of the skin becomes more clearly visible when you put on weight (when the fat tissue becomes Cellulite and the tendency to retain fluid in the body. saturated) and when the skin gets thinner as a result of the natural process of aging. 6 Fluid retention Two simple tests to determine what stage of Cellulite you have. This natural skin structure may become visible even when the skin is not squeezed. This bumpy appearance of the skin is called “cellulite”. In most cases, the mattress-like structure becomes visible as a result of excess fluid in the fat layer. Women tend to retain more fluid than men, especially in their legs. Excess fluid may accumulate around the fat cells and cause the cellulite layer to swell. If this fluid retention is allowed to continue for months or even years, the fat deposits may thicken and harden. Eventually they’ll become hard lumps which can be seen on the surface of the skin even when it’s not squeezed. When it reaches an advanced stage, cellulite may be painful when the skin is squeezed or touched. At that point, cellulite is more difficult to reverse. At earlier stages, however, its effects can be considerably reduced. Do the Pinch Test To find out if your skin is retaining fluid, pinch the skin of your thigh gently between two fingers. Carefully pull the skin upwards and try to ‘detach’ it from the underlying layers. If this hurts, especially when you squeeze it, you may have detected the first signs of fluid retention and the related swelling of the cellulite layer. The Squeeze Test The Pinch Test 7 Cellulite – What can you do about it? Once developed, cellulite won’t disappear or diminish on its own. On the contrary, it’s likely to increase. The only solution is to make the fight against cellulite part of your regular personal care routine and to begin treatment right away, before the problem gets worse. The good news is that cellulite can be reduced. It will never disappear completely, however, and will return if you stop doing something about it. There are many ways of fighting cellulite: exercise, special creams and gels, diets, massage and even surgery. However, most of these methods generally solve only part of the problem. Exercise, for instance, stimulates blood circulation but never stimulates specifically those body parts that are affected by cellulite. Creams and gels, on the other hand, can be applied to specific areas, but, as a rule, their effect is very superficial since they can’t penetrate down to the deeper layers of the skin where cellulite forms. The effect of diets is also negligible. They may ...

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