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Инструкция по эксплуатации Bosch, модель DHD

Производитель: Bosch
Размер: 2.97 mb
Название файла: Install_9000065051_DHD.pdf

Язык инструкции:enesfr

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This appliance is equipped with a cord having a grounding wire with a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an outlet that is properly installed and grounded. WARNING - Improper grounding can result in a risk of electric shock. Consult a qualified electrician if the grounding instructions are not completely understood, or if doubt exists as to whether the appliance is properly grounded. Do not use an extension cord. if the power supply cord is too short, have a qualified electrician install an outlet near the appliance. The receptacle should be located under the countertop so that the 30 inch long power cord from the vent will reach it. See Figure 9. The cord should be routed beneath the appliance and away from heat generated by the cooktop. Access should not be obstructed by blower, cabinet work, ductwork or electrical/gas utilities for the cooktop. All power for the vent system (including the remote blower, if used) is supplied via the cord to the intake unit. The outlet can usually be extended from another kitchen outlet or have its own circuit from the main service panel. Do not plug vent cord into receptacle until Step 8. Step 6: Mount Vent and Cooktop A. Remove grease filters and any packing materials from inside the intake. B. Set the vent intake into rear of countertop opening. Carefully lower it into position so that the flanges on the rear sides and edges fully support the unit hanging from the countertop. C Hold the unit against the rear of the countertop opening, and slide the leg brackets down to meet the bottom of cabinet. Check and adjust for plumb, then fasten leg brackets to cabinet with hardware provided. D. Place the cooktop in countertop opening with the rear edge of cooktop overlapping the front edge of the vent. Make sure rear edge of cooktop does not bind against front of snorkel. Follow the manufacturer's installation instructions for installing gasket strips, protective heat tape (if required), securing the cooktop to the countertop and making the cooktop electrical and/or gas connections. Page 10 Page 11 Step 7: Mount Integral Blower or Outlet Duct Transition for Remote Blower Integral Blower DHG601DUC (See Figures 10 and 12 for further detail): A. Attach blower in front of round exhaust outlet with 4-6 (depending on configuration) #8 sheetmetal screws B. Feed cord from blower through strain relief. C. Secure strain relief with screws. D. Attach strain relief to downdraft near junction box. E. Connect cord to downdraft at 6 pin connector F. Connect blower to ductwork. Remote Blower DHG6003UC or DHG1003UC (See Figures 11 and 12 for further detail): A. Remove junction box cover and connect conduit with 5 wires from remote blower. Hook up wires per Wiring Diagram, Fig. 10. Replace junction box cover. B. Attach duct transition at mounting holes with sheetmetal screws. C. Feed remote blower pigtail through strain relief. D. Attach strain relief to downdraft near junction box. E. Connect pigtail to downdraft at 6 pin connector. F. Run pigtail wires to junction box. G. Inside junction box, connect conduit with five wires from remote blower. Use a conduit connector to secure. Note: Blower and duct transition box may be installed with duct outlet left, down or right. Install blower or duct transition in such a way that access panels can be removed for service. Strain Relief Junction Box Conduit To Remote Blower Figure 11 - Remote Blower Figure 10 - Internal Blower Internal Blower Strain Relief Transition DHZDHR6 6 Pin Connector Remote Blower Pigtail 6 Pin Connector Page 12 Step 8: Install Coordinating Topcap (if applicable) The downdraft is shipped from the factory with a stainless steel topcap. Color coordinating topcaps in white and black are available as accessory parts. A. Remove filters and set aside. Remove 4 screws from below topcap and two screws (one on each side) from endcaps. Discard topcap and endcaps. Set screws aside. B. Install new endcaps and topcap as seen in Figure 13 (insert endcaps first). Replace screws. B L OWE R L OWE R N C R A T I N G : 1 2 0 V - 1 0 A O R A N G E G N D 6 0W G R E E N L 1 : 1 2 0 V WH I T E B R OW D I S C O N N E C T N C - N O RMA L L Y C L O S E D U P P E R B L OWE R B L OWE R G R A Y C N O MO T O R SWITCH S T E P D OWN L 1 2 4 V B L A C K P OWE R MO T O R B L A C K L IMI T CONTROL O R A N G E L OWE R E D P O S I T I O N 1 2 0 V N : G R O U N D E D WH I T E WI R E Y E L L OW T E RMI N A L B L U E L IMI T N O - N O RMA L L Y O P E N N C WA R N I N G : P OWE R MU S T B E D I S C O N N E C T E D B E F O R E S E R V I C I N G T H I S A P P L I A N C E 2 4 V SWI T C H A B B R E V I A T I O N S : N WI T H D OWN D R A F T I N 3 WI R E S I N G L E P H A S E 6 0 H z G R A Y L T . B L U E C SWI T C H B L A C K SWI T C H C D C C - C OMMO N 6 0 H z G N D : G R O U N D I N G G R E E N WI R E SWI T C H P O S I T I O N S H OWN B L O C K Y E L L OW R E D Figure 12 - Wiring Diagram Figure 13 - Topcap installation Topcap Endcaps Step 9 Verify Installation, Op...

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