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Инструкция по эксплуатации Vulcan-Hart, модель SVE47500

Производитель: Vulcan-Hart
Размер: 2.2 mb
Название файла: 5ef806ee-4101-d964-897b-c61a2c6c5679.pdf
Язык инструкции:en
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Clean pomelain basinpan of any greaseaccumulation. (See page 17 for cleaningrecommendations.) 2. To installany of the optionalcooktopcartridges,be surecontrolsare turned OFF. Positionthe cartridgeterminalplugtowardstheterminalreceptacle.Thisreceptacle is locatedatthe frontof the left sideand atthe backof the rightside of the range. 3. Slide the cartridge towards the receptacle until the cartridge terminal plug is completelyengaged. 4. Lowerthe oppositeend of the cartridge intothe rangetopuntil it is flushwiththe surface. Your range isnow readytouse. To Remove Cartridges 1. Controls must be OFF and the cartridgeshouldbe cool. 2. Liftuponthe "tab"locatedonthe cartridgeuntiltopof cartridgeclearsthe opening onthe rangeby about2 inches. Liftingthe cartridgetoohighwhilestillengagedin the receptaclecoulddamage the terminalplug. 3. Todisengageterminal,holdcartridgebythe sidesandslideawayfromthe terminal receptacle. Liftout whenfully unplugged. 4. A storagetray, ModelA350, is availableand can be usedfor storinga cartridge. 5. Do notstack cartridgeswhere theymay fal[or be damaged. Never store other materialsontopofthe glass-ceramiccartridgessincethiscoulddamageorscratch the surface. Canningshould be done on the conventionalcoil cartridgeonly. Canning element accessory,ModelA145A,makesitpossibleto uselargecannerswiththe conventional coil cartridge. 11 • Select heavy gauge cook,Usuallyheavy gauge cookpotswill notchange pots. shape when heated. • Usecookpotswithflat,smoothbottoms. Thetwowaystodetermineif cookpots have aflat, smoothbottomarc the rulertest and the cookingtest. Ruler Test 1. Placetheedge of ruleracross the bottom/f,,-_ _ of the pot. 2. Holduptothe light. 3. Nolightshouldbevisibleunderthe ruler. Cooking Test 1. Put 1 inchof water intothe cookpot. 2. Place cookpotontheelement. "rumcontrolto the Hi setting. 3. Observethe bubbleformationto determinethe heatdistribution,if thebubbles are uniformacrossthecookpot,the cookpotwillperformsatisfactorily.If the bubblesare notuniform,the bubbleswill indicatethe hotspots. • Match thesize ofthe cookpot to the size of the element, ideally thecookpot willbe the same size or slightlylarger. Heavy gauge cookpotswith fiat, smooth bottomswill usuallywork in a similar way. However,thereare some differencesinthe cookingperformanceof variousmaterials. • Aluminum cookpotsheat quicklyand evenly. Best suitedfor simmering,braising, boilingand frying. • Stainless steel cookpots w_llevenly distribute heat if constructedof td-ply or combinedwith other metals such as aluminum and copper. Use for cooking functionssimilarto aluminum. • Cast iron cookpotsare slowto heat but cook moreevenly once temperatureis reached. Use for longtermlow heat cookingorfor browningandfrying. • Glass ceramic, earthenware, heat-proof glass or glazed cookpotscan be used if recommendedbythe manufacturerfor cookpotcooking. Donotusewithtrivets. Bestusedon low tomediumcontrolsettings. • Porcelain enamel-on-steel or porcelain enamel-on-cast iron should be used accordingto manufacturer'sdirections. Do not allowto boildry. 12 The grillaccessoryconsistsof twoblackgrillgrates,a grillelement,andtwo grill-rocks. To Install Grill 1. Before installinggrillcomponents,be certain controlsare OFF. 2. Placethe two gritl-rocksintoanemptybasinpan withtheirhandlesrunningparallel to thefrontofthe range. These grill-rocksmustbe usedsincethey supportthe grill element. 3. Positionthe grill elementwiththe terminalplugtowardsthe terminalreceptacle. This receptacleis locatedat thefrontofthe leftsideand atthe backofthe rightside oftherange. Slidetheelementtowardsthereceptacleuntiltheterminalplugis completelyengaged. Thegrillelementshouldnowrestonthehandlesofthegrillrocks. 4. Place the blackgrillgrateson the top of the rengetop. To Remove Grill 1. Removegrillcomponentsoncethey are cool. Be surecontrolsare OFF. 2. To removegrillelement, pull awayfrom receptacleuntilit isunplugged. (Note; Liftingtheelement more than 2 inches above the rangetopsurface while it is engaged inthe receptaclecoulddamage the terminal plug.) 3. A storagetray, ModelA350, isavailableforpurchaseand canbe usedfor storing the grillassembly. Installing Other Grill Accessories 1. Removethe two blackgrill gratesfromthegrill. Nowyouarereadytouse the optionalgrillaccessories. 2. RevLewthe instructionsfor installingandusingthe accessoriesthat are packaged withthe accessory. Note: Accessoryoptionsare shownon page 50. 13 • Before the firstuse, wash your newgrill gratesin hotsoapywater, rinseand dry. Then"season"the surface by wipingon a thin coating of cooking oil. Remove excessoilby wipingagainwith another paper towel. This procedureshouldbe repeated when either: a) cleaningin thedishwasher sincethe detergent may removeseasoning,orb) anytimea sugar-basedmarinade(for example,barbecue sauce)is goingto be used. • Preheat the grill on HI for 5 minutes. Preheating improves the flavor and appearance of meats and quicklysears the meat to help retainthe juices. The heatingelementshouldgl...

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