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Milpitas, California 95035, U.S.A. © LifeScan / Novo Nordisk 2002 Revision date: 06/02 The InDuo™ System should only be used in combination with products that are compatible with it and allow the InDuo™ System to function safely and effectively. OneTouch® Ultra Test Strips are designed to be used with the InDuo™ blood glucose meter. Penfill® 3 ml cartridges and NovoFine® needles are designed to be used with the InDuo™ insulin doser. Innovo®, NovoFine®, Novolin-Pen® 3, Penfill® and ware trademark
OneTouch® Ultra test strips are designed to be used with the InDuo™ blood glucose meter. PenFill® 3 mL cartridges and NovoFine® needles are designed to be used with the InDuo™ insulin doser. PenFill® not included. PenFill® and NovoFine® are trademarks of Novo Nordisk A/S. IN TOUCH® and OneTouch® are trademarks of LifeScan, Inc. InDuo™ is a trademark of Johnson and Johnson Co. Protected by US Patent Nos. 5,957,889; 5,961,496; and 6,045,537. Additional patents pending. The CE-mark on the InDuo™ do
Your ONE TOUCH ® BASIC ® System will give you results you need, in just Everything you need to know about the ONE TOUCH BASIC System is included in this booklet. Blood glucose monitoring plays an important role in controlling your diabetes. The results you get with the ONE TOUCH BASIC System can help you and your Health Care Professional monitor and adjust your treatment plan (diet, exercise, and medication) to help you gain better control of your diabetes. If you have to call our number with ou
DEAR ONE TOUCH TM BASICTM PLUS OWNER: Congratulations! You’ve chosen a very easy-to-use blood glucose (sugar) monitoring system for home testing. When used properly, your ONE TOUCH™ BASIC™ Plus System will give you the accurate test results you need, in just a few simple steps. Everything you need to know about using the ONE TOUCH BASIC Plus System is included in this booklet. Blood glucose monitoring plays an important role in controlling your diabetes. The results you get with the ONE TOUCH BA
Everything you need to know about the ONE TOUCH II System is included in this booklet. If you would like a helpful/instructional audio cassette tape of the ONE TOUCH II test procedure, please call LifeScan Canada Customer Service at 1 800 663-5521. Blood glucose monitoring plays an important part in controlling your diabetes. The results you obtain with the ONE TOUCH II System can help you and your healthcare professional monitor and adjust your treatment plan (diet, exercise and medication) to
It should be purposes and only with whole It should not be used for the diagnosis of diabetes. CAUTION: Before using any to test all instructions and practice the test. checks as and consult professional. These recommendations supported by the Diabetes Educator Section of This system contains many Keep away from young children. Important phone numbers: LifeScan Customer Care Line (Monday–Friday 9 AM–8 PM Eastern Time): 1 800 663-5521 Write your meter serial number: Diabetes healthcare profession
1 800 227-8862 Monday–Friday 9am–8pm Eastern Time 6am–5pm Pacific time Du lundi au vendredi 9 h a 20 h (heure de l’Est) 6 h a 17 h (heure du Pacifique) Distributed by / Distribue par : LifeScan Canada Ltd./ Produits medicaux LifeScan Canada ltee Burnaby, B.C./C.-B. V5C 6C6 Manufactured for / Fabrique pour : LifeScan Inc. Milpitas, CA 95035 U.S.A./E.-U. ©LifeScan, Inc. 2003 Milpitas, CA 95035 01/2004 The system described herein is covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents / le systeme
Retest your blood glucose. If your blood glucose level is still 60 mg/dL or below, call your doctor immediately. Blood glucose results greater than 600 mg/dL are displayed as hi and your meter will beep in a high tone (if the Beep option is set to ). (Example) This message indicates very high blood sugar (severe hyperglycemia). You should call your doctor immediately. 38 Test results below 60 mg/dL3 (3.3 mmol/L) mean low blood Checking the Amount of Blood on the Test Strip glucose (hypoglycemia)
The software described in this document is furnished under a licensing agreement and may be used only in accordance with terms and conditions of the agreement. It is illegal to copy the software on any medium except as specifically allowed in the agreement. © 2006 LifeScan, Inc. a Johnson & Johnson company. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other products are trademarked by their respective companies. Table of Contents | In
Abbott Diabetes Care(2)Accu-Chek(2)Arkon(1)Bayer HealthCare(12)Energizer(3)Gossen MetraWatt(3)Guardian Technologies(1)IBM(1)Johnson & Johnson(1)Lifescan(22) MediSense(1)OneTouch(1) |