Инструкция по эксплуатации Hasbro, модель Star Wars Battle Tank Attack Game 88-007
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FEDERATION BATTLE TANK CONTROLS ON/START – to turn on the unit – to start each stage PAUSE – to pause the game. SOUND – to turn the sound off and on. OFF – to turn off the unit RESET – this resets the game in case of malfunction. This will also erase the high score. SOUND OFF PAUSE ON/ START RESET B C A D "The time for passive negotiation is over. By order of the Trade Federation Viceroy, a blockade has been established around the planet Naboo. Occupational forces are assembled and the droid army is prepared for invasion." "We must secure the palace and take the Queen into custody. With the people of Naboo under our control, she will surely sign the treaty that legitimizes our occupation of the planet. We are certain that the Senate will ratify such a treaty…provided no one escapes to reveal our plans." 2. YOUR MISSION "Are the landing craft ready? Good! Let the invasion begin!" 4. – to move the tank down. – to move the tank up. – to move the tank to the left. – to move the tank to the right. A (L) – to rotate the tank's main cannon and laser cannons to the left. B (ENERGY SHELL – to launch a destructive energy shell. LAUNCHER) C (LASER CANNONS)– to shoot the battle tank's laser cannons D (R) – to rotate the tank's main cannon and laser cannons to the right. POWER-UPS As a highly skilled Trade Federation tanker, you will be an integral part of the Trade Federation occupational forces. With the heavy fire-power and mobility of our battle tanks, we should quickly overwhelm any resistance. Nothing should interfere with the occupation of Naboo! Use the 4 directional keys to drive your battle tank. Once all enemies on the screen are destroyed, you will have to move forward to acquire new targets. Continue to move along the battlefield until your mission is complete. You can rotate the tank's cannon independent of the main hull. This means you can drive in one direction while shooting in another. Use the L and R buttons to swivel the cannon and bring targets into your line of fire. You tank comes equipped with laser cannons as well as energy shell launchers. The laser cannons have unlimited firepower. You energy shell launcher is very powerful and will destroy all enemies on the screen. However it can hold only 3 energy shells at one time. Launch energy shells when there are many enemies surrounding you. When your launcher is empty be on the lookout During the battle, power-ups will appear. To acquire a power- up when it appears, aim the laser cannons at it and shoot. They will only appear for a moment so act quickly! SHIELD UNIT – this will add 1 more shield unit to your tank. ENERGY SHELLS – this will load 3 energy shells into the launcher. POINT BONUS – this will add 50 points to your score. for more energy shells! The Federation Battle tank has powerful shield generators that will protect your tank from enemy fire. This enables the battle tank to withstand 10 hits before it is destroyed. Once your tank is destroyed. The game is over. There are five missions for you to complete. If you can complete all 5 you win the game. If not, the Naboo resistance will be successful and the droid army will be neutralized. 5. EXTRA BATTLE TANK – this will give you an extra battle tank. If your first tank is destroyed, you continue with another fully armed, fully restored battle tank. ENEMIES NABOO FOOT SOLDIER GIAN SPEEDER FLASH SPEEDERNABOO STARFIGHTER GUNGAN FOOT SOLDIER GUNGAN CAVALRY GUNGAN SHIELD GENERATOR 6. GAME STAGES 1. The Plains of Naboo The Naboo defense forces have gathered on the plains and are attempting to destroy our landing craft. You must crush this meager attempt at stopping our inevitable occupation of the planet. Protect the landing zone and destroy all attackers! 2. Flight of the Starfighters Naboo starfighters are harassing our landing craft and continuing to strike our orbiting fleet. This must not be allowed to continue. Reconnaissance tells us that there is an active Naboo military spaceport preparing to scramble more fighters. Move in and destroy this spaceport and its defenders. Be especially alert for any launching fighters and be sure to shoot them down before they can escape the surface! 3. Gungan Counterstrike It seems the Gungan forces have returned from the sea and are preparing to enter the battle. Though their puny weapons pose little threat to our superiority, we must not allow the Naboo defenders hope for rescue! Strike quickly and destroy all attackers! 4. Assault on the Shield Generator The Gungans are proving to be more of a nuisance than expected. Their force shields are protecting them from our cannon fire. This is unacceptable! Concentrate your fire on the soldiers outside the shield and clear a path for our battle droids. Continue to provide cover fire so our battle droids can penetrate the shield and destroy the generator. Be sure to clear enemies away from the generator so the battle droids can get through. Otherwise they will destroy the droids and protect the shield! 5. The Q...