Фрагмент инструкции
Copper Tubes, Aluminum Lanced, AluminumPre Coated, or Copper Plate Fins Rows...Fins/in. Total Face Area (sq ft) EVAPORATOR FAN Quantity...Size (in.) Type Drive Nominal Cfm Std Motor Hp Opt Motor Hp Motor Nominal Rpm Std Maximum Continuous Bhp Opt Maximum Continuous Bhp Motor Frame Size Fan Rpm Range Low-Medium Static High Static Motor Bearing Type Maximum Allowable Rpm Motor Pulley Pitch Dia. Low-Medium Static High Static Nominal Motor Shaft Diameter (in.) Fan Pulley Pitch Diameter (in.) Low-Medium Static High Static Nominal Fan Shaft Diameter (in.) Belt, Quantity...Type... Length (in.) Low-Medium Static High Static Pulley Center Line Distance (in.) Speed Change per Full Turn of MovablePulley Flange (Rpm) Low-Medium Static High Static Movable Pulley MaximumFull Turns From Closed Position Factory Speed Factory Speed Setting (Rpm) Low-Medium Static High Static EVAPORATOR COIL Rows...Fins/in. Total Face Area (sq ft) FURNACE SECTION Rollout Switch Cutout Temp (F)*** Burner Orifice Diameter (in...drill size) Natural Gas Std Liquid Propane††† Alt Thermostat Heat Anticipator Setting208/230/460/575 vStage 1 (amps) Stage 2 (amps) Gas Input (Btuh) Stage 1 Stage 2 Efficiency (Steady State) (%) Temperature Rise Range Manifold Pressure (in. wg) Natural Gas Std Liquid Propane††† Alt Gas Valve Quantity Gas Valve Pressure Range (Min-Max Allowable) (in. wg) (psig) Field Gas Connection Size (in.-FPT) HIGH-PRESSURE SWITCH (psig) Cutout Reset (Auto.) LOW PRESSURE SWITCH (psig) Cutout Reset (Auto.) FREEZE PROTECTION THERMOSTAT (F) Opens Closes OUTDOOR-AIR INLET SCREENS Quantity...Size (in.) RETURN-AIR FILTERS Quantity...Size (in.) 4...15 4...15 21.7 21.7 Centrifugal Type 2...12 X 12 2...12 x 12 Belt Belt 5200 6000 2.9 3.0 5 3.7 N/A N/A 1725 1745 3.13 3.38 6.13 4.26 N/A56H 184T 895-1147 895-1147 873-1021 1040-1315 N/A 1025-1200 Ball Ball 1550 1550 3.1/4.1 3.1/4.1 4.9/5.9 3.7/4.7 N/A 4.9/5.9 7/8 7/8 11/8 6.0 6.0 9.4 6.0 6.0 8.0 13/16 13/16 17/16 1...BX...45 1...BX...45 1...BX...50 1...BX...45 1...BX...45 1...BX...48 14.5-16.0 14.5-16.0 13.3-14.8 45 45 37 45 N/A 44 6 6 4†† 3.5 3.5 3.5 987 987 965 1155 N/A 1134 Cross Hatched 3/8 in. Copper Tubes, Aluminum Lanced or Copper Plate Fins, Face Split 4...15 4...15 17.5 17.5 190 190 0.1285...30/ 0.136...29 0.1285...30/ 0.136...29 0.1065...36/0.1065...36 0.1065...36/0.1065...36 0.98 0.8 0.98 0.98 0.8 0.98 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 172,000/230,000 206,000/270,000 225,000/300,000 275,000/360,000 81 81 15-45/30-60 15-45/20-50 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 1 1 5.5-13.5 5.5-13.5 .235-.487 .235-.487 3/4 3/4 426 320 27 44 30 ± 5 45 ± 5 Cleanable 2...20 x 25 x 1 1...20 x 20 x 1 Throwaway 4...20 x 20 x 2 4...16 x 20 x 2 LEGEND *Evaporator coil fin material/condenser coil fin material. †Weight of 14-in. roof curb. Al — Aluminum **Circuit 1 uses the lower portion of condenser coil and lower portion of evaporator coils, and Bhp — Brake Horsepower Circuit 2 uses the upper portion of both coils. Cu — Copper ††Due to belt and pulley style, moveable pulley cannot be set to 0 to 1/2 turns open. TXV — Thermostatic Expansion Valve ***Rollout switch is manual reset. †††A Liquid Propane kit is available as an accessory. Kit may be used at elevations as high as2000 ft. 228 PHYSICAL DATA — 581A210-300 UNIT 581A 210 240 300 NOMINAL CAPACITY (tons) 18 20 25 OPERATING WEIGHT (lb) Al/Al 2224 2272 2526 COMPRESSOR Quantity Number of Refrigerant Circuits Oil (ounces) Ckt A...Ckt B...Ckt C 3 3 68...68...90 3 3 90...90...90 2 2 110...110...NA REFRIGERANT TYPE Expansion Device Operating Charge (lb) Circuit A Circuit B Circuit C TXV 13.1 12.7 15.2 TXV 13.8 13.9 15.5 TXV 21.8 20.3 NA CONDENSER FAN Nominal Cfm (Total, all fans) Quantity...Diameter (in.) Motor Hp...Rpm Watts Input (Total) 14,000 4...22 1/4...1100 1400 14,000 4...22 1/4...1100 1400 21,000 6...22 1/4...1100 2100 CONDENSER COIL Rows...Fins/in. Total Face Area (sq ft) 2...17 57.78 2...17 57.78 2...17 66.67 EVAPORATOR FAN Quantity...Size Type Drive Nominal Cfm Motor Bearing Type Maximum Allowable Fan Rpm 2...15x11 Belt 7000 Ball 1400 2...15x11 Belt 8000 Ball 1400 2...15x11 Belt 10,000 Ball 1400 EVAPORATOR COIL Rows...Fins/in. Total Face Area (sq ft) 3...15 23.33 4...15 23.33 4...15 27.22 FURNACE SECTION Rollout Switch Cutout Temp (F) Burner Orifice Diameter (in. ...drill size) Gas Thermostat Heat Anticipator SettingStage 1 (amps) Stage 2 (amps) Gas Input (Btuh) HIGH HEAT Efficiency (Steady State) % Temperature Rise Range Gas Input (Btuh) MEDIUM HEAT Efficiency (Steady State) % Temperature Rise Range Gas Input (Btuh) LOW HEAT Efficiency (Steady State) % Temperature Rise Range (F) Manifold Pressure Natural Gas (in. wg) Natural Gas (in. wg) Gas Valve Quantity Gas Valve Pressure Range Min-Max Allowable Field Gas Connection Size (in. FPT) Stage 1 Stage 2 Vertical Stage 1 Stage 2 Vertical Stage 1 Stage 2 Vertical Vertical Horizontal (in. wg) (psig) 225 0.136...29 Natural 0.98 0.44 317,000 400,000 82 25-55 281,000 365,000 81 25-55 199,000 250,000 82 15-45 3.00 2.95 1 5.5-13.0 .235...
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