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Инструкция по эксплуатации Craftsman, модель 247.27022

Производитель: Craftsman
Размер: 3.79 mb
Название файла: L0305312.pdf

Язык инструкции:enes

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Фрагмент инструкции

Read and follow all instructions in this manual before attempting to operate this machine. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in personal injury. When you see this symbol--heed its warning. WARNING: The Battery and Engine Exhaust contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. The battery and posts contain lead; wash hands after handling. _lb WARNING: This machine was built to be operated according to the rules for safe operation in this manual. As with any type of power equipment, carelessness or error on the part of the operator can result in serious injury. This machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing objects. Failure to observe the following safety instructions could result in serious injury or death. 6. Thoroughly inspect the area where the equipment is to General Operation be used. Remove all stones, sticks, wire, bones, toys, 1. Read, understand, and follow all instructions on the and other foreign objects which could be picked up and machine and in the manual(s) before attempting to thrown by the blade(s). Thrown objects can cause assemble and operate. Save this manual for future and serious personal injury. regular reference and for ordering replacement parts. 7. Plan your mowing pattern to avoid discharge of material 2. Be familiar with all controls and their proper operation. toward roads, sidewalks, bystanders and the like. Also, Know how to stop machine and disengage them quickly. avoid discharging material against a wall or obstruction 3. Never allow children under 14 years old to operate this which may cause discharged material to ricochet back machine. Children 14 years old and over should read and toward the operator. understand operation instructions and safety rules in this 8. Always wear safety glasses or safety goggles during manual and should be trained and supervised by parent. operation and while performing an adjustment or repair to 4. Never allow adults to operate this machine without protect your eyes. Thrown objects which ricochet can proper instruction. cause serious injury to the eyes. 5. To help avoid blade contact or a thrown object injury, 9. Wear sturdy, rough-soled work shoes and close-fitting keep bystanders, helpers, children and pets at least 75 slacks and shirts. Loose fitting clothes and jewelry can be feet from the machine while it is in operation. Stop caught in movable parts. Never operate this machine in machine if anyone enters the area. bare feet or sandals. 10.Beawareofthemowerdischarge andattachmentdirectionanddonotpointitatanyone.Donotoperatethe mowerwithoutcovergrass thedischargeorentire catcherinitsproperplace. 11.Donotputhandsorfeetnearrotatingpartsorunderthe cuttingdeck.withtheblade(s) Contactcanamputate handsandfeet. 12.Amissingordamagedcoverblade dischargecancausecontactorthrownobjectinjuries. 13.Stoptheblade(s)crossingddves,walks,or whengravelroadsandwhilenotcuttinggrass. 14.Watchfortrafficwhennear operatingorcrossing roadways.isnotforuseonpublic Thismachineroadway. 15.Donotoperatethemachinetheinfluence whileunderof alcoholordrugs. 16.Mowonlyindaylightorgoodartificiallight.Nevercarry passengers. 17.Disengageblade(s)beforeshiftingintoreverse.Backup slowly.Alwayslookdownandbehindbeforeandwhile backingtoavoidaccident. aback-over18.Slowdownturning.themachine beforeOperate smoothly.Avoiderraticandexcessive operationspeed. 19.Disengageblade(s),setparkingbrake,stopengineand waituntiltheblade(s)cometoacomplete stopbefore removinggrasscatcher,grass, emptyinguncloggingchute,removingordebris,any anygrassormakingadjustments. 20.NeverleavemachineAlwaysturn arunningunattended. offblade(s),transmissionsetparking placeinneutral, brake,stopengineandremovekeybeforedismounting. 21.Useextracareloadingthemachine whenorunloadingintoatrailerortruck.Thisunitshouldnotbedrivenupor downramp(s),theunitcould becausetipover,causingseriouspersonalTheunitmust injury.bepushed manuallytoloadproperly. onramp(s)orunload22.Mufflerandenginebecomehotandcancauseaburn.Do nottouch. 23.Checkoverheadcarefullydriving clearancesbefore underlowtreebranches,dooropenings wires,etc., wheretheoperatormaybestruckorpulledfromtheunit, whichcouldresultinseriousinjury. 24.Disengageclutches,thebrake allattachmentdepresspedalcompletelyandshiftintoneutralbeforeattemptingtostartengine. 25.Yourmachinetocutnormalgrass isdesignedresidentialofaheightnomorethan10".Donotattempttomow throughunusuallyorpilesof tall,drygrass(e.g.,pasture) dryleaves.Drygrassorleavesmaycontacttheengine exhaustand/orbuilddeckpresenting uponthemowera potential firehazard. 26.Useonlyaccessoriesapproved andattachmentsforthis machinemanufacturer. bythemachineRead, understandallinstructionswiththe andfollowprovided accessory orattachment. 27.Dataindicatesage60years thatoperators,andabove, areinvolvedoftractor-related inalargepercentageinjuries.Theseshouldtheirabilityto operatorsevaluate operatethetractorsafelyenoughtoprotectthemselves andothers...

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