it will net cperate Using the deep fryer Use the deep tyer fcr frying feed such as french t*s. chicken cr fish peces. The deep fryer has a rated pcwerof 1SC0W. t-efcre plugging inycurdeep iy*. ensure ihatthe etectricd circuit is not oveflcoded with otier appliances. Ttis appliance shedd alv-oyste operated cn a separate 120V<■&> Hz.AC oulet ♦ Pojrccckir>; til intoihe tilreserstir($)ftV.GDi. OON0rO\€ft OftUNMft fill №
prevent condensation. ♦ Ftace ihe lid (3) cntothe deep fryer ♦ Attach ihe magnetic plug (19) to the fryer sccket. The magneic plug (19) is designed tocnly fitcne way 6e sure the side stating TH£ SlDEUP isfadng up. hsert tie p*jg (lO)intoa walloulet/M.d!)/. The power hdicatcr (16) light turns cri NOTE Make sure tbe fryer is off befcre ccnnectng toihe dedric circuit CAUTION: Co not fry food without the basket (4) {ill. CE?. Clent Jc*nt Le*^nd Project 16916$ LCTpgUD^ ÉN Co<> 10,012009 vefsicrt 11 Pag> 6 £»f 12 popes) ßOTCDte 4295035 100C020021S OPERATION ♦ lUm tie temperature ocntrti kncb (12) to the deared temperature t+fryirq (.roe cr/tf The ready indicator (11) iluminates when ihe temperature is reached. ♦ The trne rang* when the temperature is reached: TEMPERATURE SETTING TIME 37 S*f/190*0 about 13 miru tes 340^/170*0 abojtlOmirutes 3 7 i»fl2po^s) ßOTCDte 4295035 100C020021S OPERATION CAUTION: Wïen the timer is firished the l£D ds$ay turns off and ihe appliance sill remains energ'eed. NOTE fcr coding tjrres.see flying thre awf (enope/attfe) cr use the reccrnrrended tirresfcryojrredpe. ♦ After tying tirre has e4ap*sect cp=n tie ¡d CSL lift ihe tying basket (4) and hang it crit»iheboskethcck(6)h thedl resers*dr(81 Let tte feed drain in the frying basket (4) tc a few seccnds to remcve excess dl and retain aisjiness. ♦ Careiilly lift the tying basket &) and pour tie feed cot* a plat that has been covered with a paper towel to collect remain'ng oil. ♦ After the ccctdng prcceæ is finished. rotate theterrpiratureccntrd kncb(12)t>^. ♦ Töccrrpietely switch off the deep fryer; always disccnnertthe power plug (IQ frcrn the wall ojijetb-sfcrererrovhg the rrognelc plug (19) tern tte socket fW. CD* CAUTION: The break-a//ay py/*rccrd isfcr orddental disconnection. tonot remote durirg ncrrnal cperafcn. If the ccrd beccrres deccnrected. immediately remove the plug (10) fran the wdl ojtJet Him temperature ccntrd kncfc(12)to ♦. then reccnnect the magnetic plug (19) to the deep fryer. Then rezcnnect the plug (10) to the wall culet WARN ING: The qiçliance generates heat and steam durirrç use. Prqper precautions rrust be tdcen to prevent tie ri& of boms, fires, cr other injur/ toperscre cr damage to preps rty. CAUTION: Tte metal surfaces of the deep fyer beccrne hat Oonottwch while in use ¿Jloz/the apçiiance to cod fcr atleast30minutesbefcre handing. frying Time and Temperature The fry hg times in tte chart telcw are apprcwmate and ^culd be adjusted to suit your o/jt\ taste and the different quanltiescf food fOOD temp. Setting TIME (MIN UTES) Chidcen strips 37S*f /19CPC ÔtolO Chidcen peceswith teres 36s*f/18s»c 20 to 2 S rtsh (battered cr festi) 37S*f/ 19 ÉN ô £fl2pop*s) eorCDte 4295035 100C020021S TIPS FOR OIL USE AND STORAGE ♦ Co not use seasoned cr flas'cosd dl such as walnut. dive oil, lard cr drippcigs be...Эта инструкция также подходит к моделям: Фритюрницы - 681131691680 (455.91 kb) Фритюрницы - 681131691680 (455.91 kb)