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Инструкция по эксплуатации Sony, модель MVC-CD400

Производитель: Sony
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For instance, this function is convenient in the following use: Measure the exposure of the desired portion of the image using the spot metering function and fix the exposure value by pressing AE LOCK. Then, recompose the picture. Portion of the image used to determine the exposure Fix the exposure. Mode dial Shoot the subject. Q Set the mode dial to O, S, A, SCN or №. b Target a portion of the image that has the desired exposure value, then press AE LOCK. The exposure is fixed and the AE-L indicator appears. Target the subject you want to shoot and press and hold the shutter button halfway down. The focus is automatically adjusted. □ Press the shutter button fully down. To release AE LOCK Carry out one of the followings: • Press AE LOCK again after step • Release your finger from the shutter button after step • Press down the shutter button in step 4 74 Shooting three images with the exposure shifted (MVC-CD400 only) - Exposure Bracket Mode dial: O/S/A/M/SCN The camera records three images in succession, each with the exposure value shifted. The exposure compensation value can be set between ±1.0EV from the appropriate exposure value in 1/3EV steps. Control button Q Set the mode dial to SET UP. The SET UP screen appears. b Select o [CAMERA] with V/V and [BRACKET STEP] with B/ V/V, then press B. Select the desired bracket step value with V/V, then press •. ±1.0EV: Shifts the exposure value by plus or minus 1.0EV. ±0.7EV: Shifts the exposure value by plus or minus 0.7EV. ±0.3EV: Shifts the exposure value by plus or minus 0.3EV. □ Set the mode dial to O, S, A, M, or SCN. e Press MENU. The menu appears. f Select [MODE] (REC MODE) with b/B, then select [EXP BRKTG] with V/V. Q Shoot the image. MENU Advanced still image shooting To return to normal mode Select [NORMAL] in step 0. • You cannot use the flash in this mode. • During shooting in this mode, the images are not displayed on the LCD screen. Compose the image before pressing the shutter button. • The focus and white balance are adjusted for the first image, and these settings are also used for the other images. • When the exposure is manually adjusted, the adjusted value is used for the center value. • The recording interval is approximately 0.5 seconds (MVC-CD400) or 0.4 seconds (MVC-CD250). • You cannot select a shutter speed slower than 1/30 second. • For the number of images you can record in Exposure Bracket mode, see page 109. Adjusting color tones - White Balance Mode dial: Û(/S/A/M)*/SCN/|H| Normally, when recording with automatic adjustments, the white balance is automatically set to AUTO and the overall color balance is adjusted according to the shooting conditions. However, when you shoot under fixed conditions or special lighting conditions, you can manually adjust the white balance. * MVC-CD400 only AUTO (no display) Adjusts the white balance automatically (Daylight) Shooting outdoors, or shooting a sunrise/ sunset, night scene, neon signs, or fireworks A (Cloudy) Shooting under a cloudy sky ==□ (Fluorescent) Shooting under fluorescent lighting ^ (Incandescent) • Places where the lighting conditions change quickly • Under bright lighting such as photography studios • Under sodium or mercury lamps ONE PUSH (Æa) (MVC-CD400 only) For adjusting the white balance depending on the light source Control button Q Set the mode dial to û, S*, A*, M*, SCN, or H. b c Press MENU. The menu appears. Select [WB] (WHITE BAL) with b/B, then select the desired setting with V/V. 76 To shoot in one-push white balance mode (MVC-CD400 only) © Select [ONE PUSH]. The tSd indicator appears. 2 Shoot a white object such as a piece of paper filling the screen under the same lighting conditions as you will shoot the subject. ® Press ▲. The indicator flashes quickly. When the white balance has been adjusted and stored in the memory, the indicator stops flashing. To reactivate auto adjustment Select [AUTO] in step 0. • Under fluorescent lights that flicker, the white balance adjustment function may not work correctly even though you select czd (fluorescent). • When the flash strobes, the manual setting is canceled, and the image is recorded in [AUTO] mode. • The indicator means: Slow flashing: The white balance is not set or was not able to be set. Quick flashing: The white balance is being adjusted (after you press V). Lit steady: The white balance has been set. • If the bfld indicator keeps flashing even when you press V, record in automatic white balance mode. • When you select the one-push white balance mode, the LCD screen momentarily turns blue. Shooting techniques The image is susceptible to lighting conditions. The image looks blue under sunlight in the summer, and looks red under mercury lamps. Human eyes can resolve these problems. However, the camera cannot resolve the problem without making adjustments. Normally, the camera adjusts automatically, but if the image appears in strange c...

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