К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
Recording which Day of the Vacation You Take the Picture If you set the departure date of the vacation in advance, the number of days that have passed since the departure date (which day of the vacation it is) is recorded when you take the picture. You can display the number of days that have passed when playing back the pictures and stamp it on the recorded pictures with [TEXT STAMP] (P81). A A The number of days that have passed since the departure date The number of days that have passed since the departure date can be printed on each picture by using the software [LUMIX Simple Viewer] or [PHOTOfunSTUDIO-viewer-] in the CD-ROM (supplied). [For printing the pictures, refer to the operating instructions (PDF file) of the software.] VQT1J59 Advanced (Recording pictures) .Setting the departure/return date (e.g.: The following are examples of the screen in normal picture mode [ ].) 1 Press [MENU/SET] and then move 2. 2 Move 4 to select the [SETUP] menu icon [ ] and then move 1. 3 Move 3/4 to select [TRAVEL DATE] and then move 1. 4 Move 4 to select [SET] and then press [MENU/SET]. /SETMENU 5 Move 3/4/2/1 to set the departure date and then press [MENU/SET]. /SETMENU 2/1: Select the desired item. 3/4: Set the year, month and date. 6 Move 3/4/2/1 to set the return date and then press [MENU/SET]. /SETMENU 2/1: Select the desired item. VQT1J59 3/4: Set the year, month and date. • The travel date is automatically canceled if the current date is after the return date. • If you do not want to set the return date, press [MENU/SET] while the date bar is displayed. 7 Press [MENU/SET] to close the menu. 8 Take a picture. A A The number of days that have passed since the departure date • The number of days that have passed since the departure date is displayed for about 5 seconds if this unit is turned on etc. after setting the travel date or when the travel date is set. • When the travel date is set, [ ] appears on the lower right of the screen. (It is not displayed if the current date is after the return date.) .Canceling the travel date The travel date is automatically canceled if the current date is after the return date. If you want to cancel the travel date before the end of the vacation, select [OFF] on the screen shown in step 4 and then press [MENU/SET] twice. • The travel date is calculated using the date in the clock setting and the departure date you set. If you set [WORLD TIME] (P53) to the travel destination, the travel date is calculated using the date in the clock setting and the travel destination setting. Advanced (Recording pictures) • The travel date setting is memorized even if the camera is turned off. • If you set a departure date and then take a picture on a date before this departure date, [-] (minus) is displayed in orange and the day of the vacation that you took the picture is not recorded. • If you set a departure date and then change the clock setting to the date and time at the travel destination, [-] (minus) is displayed in white and the day of the vacation that you took the picture is recorded when the travel destination date is, for example, one day before the departure date. • If [TRAVEL DATE] is set to [OFF], the number of days that have passed since the departure date will not be recorded even if you set the travel date or the return date. Even if [TRAVEL DATE] is set to [SET] after taking the pictures, which day of the vacation you took them is not displayed. • Set the clock if the message [PLEASE SET THE CLOCK] appears. • The [TRAVEL DATE] setting is also reflected in clipboard mode [ ]. Displaying the Time at the Travel Destination (World Time) If you set your home area and the travel destination area when traveling abroad etc., the local time at the travel destination area can be displayed on the screen and recorded on the pictures taken. • Select [CLOCK SET] to set the current date and time in advance. (P14) 1 Press [MENU/SET] and then move 2. 2 Move 4 to select the [SETUP] menu icon [ ] and then move 1. 3 Move 3/4 to select [WORLD TIME] and then move 1. • If you are setting the world time for the first time, the message [PLEASE SET THE HOME AREA] appears. If this message appears, press [MENU/SET] and then set home area from the screen shown in step 2 in “Setting the home area [HOME]”. .Setting the home area [HOME] (Perform steps 1, 2 and 3.) 1 Move 4 to select [HOME] and then press [MENU/SET] to set. /SETMENU 2 Move 2/1 to select your home area and then press [MENU/SET] to set. /SETMENU • The current time is displayed on the top left of the screen and the time difference from GMT “Greenwich Mean Time” is displayed on the bottom left of the screen. • If daylight saving time [ ] is used at the home area, move 3. Move 3again to return to the original time. VQT1J59 Advanced (Recording pictures) • The daylight saving time setting for the home area does not advance the current time. Advance the clock setting by one hour. .Finishing setting the home area • If you are setting the home are...