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Инструкция по эксплуатации Canon, модель B155

Производитель: Canon
Размер: 1.54 mb
Название файла: 0ac36894-4ad9-42b1-a10a-0424c96f1293.pdf

Язык инструкции:en

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Фрагмент инструкции

A complete glossary of terms is included at the end of this guide. + Document The original sheet(s) of paper you send, receive or copy with your fax. + Menu A list of options or features from which you select an item to set up or change. + Numeric buttons The round buttons on the operation panel with digits 0 through 9, and on them. + Arrow buttons The buttons used to display choices and change settings. These buttons also change the volume setting of the speaker. + Stop button Press to cancel any operation or to cancel the selection of a menu item. + Start/Copy button Press to start an operation or register a setting. + Transaction number A number automatically assigned every time you send or receive a fax. Transaction numbers are 4-digit numbers that can help you keep track of the documents you send and receive. + TX/RX NO. XXXX Represents the transaction number when displayed on the LCD, where XXXX is the 4-digit transaction number. + TX Stands for transmit or send. + RX Stands for receive. + NOTE A note describes important points and helpful hints, or how to avoid minor difficulties. As an ENERGY STARt Partner, Canon has determined that the FAX-B155 meets the ENERGY STARt guidelines for energy efficiency. Trademarks Canon and BJ are registered trademarks, and Bubble Jet is a trademark of Canon Inc. Copyright Copyrightr 2000 by Canon Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Canon Inc. This CE Marking shows compliance of this equipment with Directive 73/23/EEC and Directive 89/336/EEC (as amended by Directive 92/31/EEC), both as amended by Directive 93/68/EEC. Canon Inc./Canon Europa N.V. (Europe Only) Welcome Thank you for choosing the Canon FAX-B155 Bubble JetTM facsimile. The compact, upright design of the fax means it takes up less space in your work area. The bubble jet print mechanism uses cut-sheet plain paper, so you get crisp reproductions of your fax documents and copies. The FAX-B155 has a number of features that make it ideal for small to medium-sized offices with a single telephone line. Features Plain paper The fax accepts A4, letter, and legal size cut-sheet plain paper for crisp reproduction and faxes that are flat and easy to write on. Automatic switching between fax and voice calls The fax recognises incoming fax calls, and automatically switches to receive mode. Automatic dialling A variety of dialling methods allows you to register frequently used fax numbers and phone numbers and access them by pressing one or a few buttons. Error Correction Mode (ECM) TX / RX Automatically helps correct transmission errors due to system and telephone line noise. Delayed transmission Sends a fax automatically at a later time, for example, at night when telephone rates are lower. 360 dpi copy mode Lets you make copies at 360 . 360 dpi. Notice for connection to telecommunication systems in the United Kingdom and the Republic of lreland Approval Number 607721 (UK) Your Canon FAX-B155 has been approved against the requirements of NTR3 for use in the UK and complies with the requirements of 91/263 EEC. The CE mark is applied in respect of the requirements of 73/23 EEC and 89/336 EEC. (UK) It is intended for connection to analogue two wire public telecommunication networks. Connect the supplied cable to this socket first, then to the telephone line. There are two auxiliary sockets to which equipment approved for direct connection to the network may be connected. If required, a suitable adaptor, approved under Approval Number NS/G/23/L/100005 for direct and indirect connections between the fax machine and any piece of approved telecommunications apparatus, is available from your Canon supplier. (UK) This socket is intended for connection of an answering machine or similar device. This socket is intended for connection of a telephone. Voltage and current available at these sockets are determined by the network to which the line cable is connected. They wil not normally exceed the limits for TNV as described in EN60950. Canon recommends that any additional equipment connected in the installation is connected to one of these sockets. Do not connect additional equipment through parallel sockets elsewhere on the telephone line. This equipment is not intended or recommended for making calls to emergency services. For your safety (Australia only) To ensure safe operation the three-pin plug supplied must be inserted only into a standard three-pin power point which is effectively earthed through the normal household wiring. Extension cords used with the equipment must be three-core and be correctly wired to provide connection to earth. Wrongly wired extension cords are a major cause of fatalities. The power point shall be located near the equipment...

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