Фрагмент инструкции
Always leave the drill running when pulling it back out of a drilled hole, this prevents jamming. DRILL ACCESSORIES DRILL STAND Gives you the accuracy of a drill press, yet the drill can be removed in a few moments for free-hand work. HORIZONTAL STAND This stand converts your drill into a bench machine and frees your hands for buffing, grinding and polishing. HOLE SAWS Cut clean, round holes in wood and compositions up to %" thick, Increases the drilling capacity of V4" Drills to 1 y8" holes; Drills to 2V2" holes. Can be used also on “light metals.” TWIST DRILL BITS Made of High Speed Steel and will drill wood, steel and plastics. CARBIDE-TIPPED BITS For drilling in brick, cement, cinder block and similar material. WOOD BIT SET For boring 3/4", Vs" or 1" holes in wood, plywood, masonite, etc. WIRE WHEEL BRUSHES These brushes are real labor savers when you have to remove rust, old paint or caked dirt from metal or wood. SANDING DISCS Circular discs for your drill come in grades ranging from very coarse, for fast stock removal, to extra fine for smooth finishing. POLISHING PADS & BONNETS With the proper compound, you can polish brass, chrome, the car, rub paint and varnish to a beautiful luster. PAINT MIXER Mixes paint more thoroughly than hand stirring COTTON BUFFING WHEELS Mounted on a wheel arbor, cotton buffing wheels are useful for polishing metal fittings, silverware and plastic. GRINDING WHEELS Grinding wheels can be used for sharpening axe heads, tools and many other household supplies. GUARANTEE Black & Decker guarantees, for one year from date of purchase, to correct by repair or parts replacement without charge any defect due to faulty material or workmanship. Simply return the complete unit, transportation prepaid, to any Black & Decker Service Center or Authorized Service Station. Naturally, we assume no responsibility for damage caused by misuse, careless handling or where repairs have been made or attempted by others. No other guarantee, written or verbal, is authorized by us. IF THE TOOL WON’T RUN First, check the outlet by plugging In another tool or lamp. If these don't work, check the service panel for blown fuses. If current is present, check plugs and sockets for tight fits. If there is something wrong with the tool, don't attempt any major repair on your own. Take it or send it to the nearest Service location shown below for repair, A free parts diagram of your B&D tool is available by writing the Black & Decker Factory Service Center nearest you. FACTORY SALES & SERVICE BRANCHES -Y»HowPog«s* §m Strwê t Stiff Area Telephone Code No. ALABAMA: Birmingham 35233, 1717 Third Ave., South..., ...205 324-6691 ARIZONA: Phoenix 85004, 537 E. McDowell Rd,.....................602 AL 8-1332 ARKANSAS: Little Rock, 72201, 519 West Seventh Street......501 FR 2-3040 CALIFORNIA: Anaheim 92802, 1235 So. Euclid Ave...............714 772-4050 Los Angeles 90007, 2432 S. Broadway...............................213 Rl 9-0371 Oakland 94606, 1107 E. 14th St........................................415 ТЕ 4-5944 Sacramento 95814, 1915 Seventeenth Street......................916 444-3188 San Diego 92105, 3811 El Cajon Blvd................................714 AT 1-3331 San Francisco 94080, 1139 Airport Blvd............................, 415 871-7278 Santa Clara 95050, 2291 The Alameda..................................408 241-9162 Van Nuys 91401, 14920 Victory Blvd........... ...............213 787-5531 COLORADO: Denver 80204, 675 Kalamath St........................303 222-0621 CONNECTICUT: Hartford 06114, 131 Meadow Street............203 249-6241 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Washington Bladensburg, Maryland 20710, 4501 Baltimore Ave..........301 779-3808 Falls Church, Virginia 22046, 129 Annandale Road............703 533-1147 FLORIDA: Jacksonville 32208, 5224 Pearl Street....,...............S04 356-2951 Miami 33168, 13345 N. W. Seventh Avenue....................305 681-6658 Orlando 32806. 940 So. Orange Ave............,.......................305 423-1651 Tampa 33609, 3401 W. Kennedy Blvd..... .....813 872-8317 GEORGIA: Atlanta 30313, 316 Techwood Drive, N.W.............404 JA 4-0431 HAWAII: Honolulu 96813, 675 Auahi Street...........................808 536-9374 ILLINOIS: Chicago 60607, 1100 W. Jackson Blvd....................312 ТА 9-3500 Chicago 60646, Lincolnwood, 6710 N. Crawford Ave..........312 OR 3 0923 Chicago 60643, Beverly Hills, 10708 S. Western Ave>..........312 BE 3-6832 Rock Island 61201, 725 30th Street. ..................................309 788-1744 INDIANA: Evansville 47708, 931 Bond Street......................812 425-4269 Indianapolis 46202, 1125 W. 16th Street.............................317 632-5569 IOWA: Des Moines 50312, 2811 Ingersoll Ave.........................515 CH 4-7257 KANSAS: Wichita 67214, 203 N. Mathewson Street.......... . . 316 FO 3-6571 KENTUCKY: Louisville 40209, 4407 Park Blvd....................502 366-1495 LOUISIANA: New O...
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