Фрагмент инструкции
• Inspect the too[ carefullyto make sure no breakage or damage occurred dunng shipping. • Do not discard the packingmaterialuntilyou have carefullyinspected and setistactoril. operatedthe tool. • If any partsare damaged or missing, please call 1-800-932-3188 for ase'_tance. PACKING UST Drill-Driver Battery Pack (2) Charger Double-ended Bits(2I CarryingCase Operator's Manual LED WQRKLIGHT The LEDworPJight,located on the front of the tool base, illuminateswhen the switch _'iggar ts depressed.This providesextra light for inoreased yisibility. LEVEL A level is located on the top of the motor housingto help you keep the drill bit level duringuse; TORQUE AI0klMSTMENT RING Yourdrill-driverhas a 24-position clutch.The torque adjustment ring can be turnedto select the rightamount of torque for your application. VARIABLE SPEED The variablespeed switchtriggar delivers higher speed with increasedttlgger pressureand lower speed with de, teased triggerpressure. ,P= 41L WARNING: If any parts are missingdo not operate thistool untilthe missingparts are replaced. Failure to do so could resultin possible seriouspersonal injury. A WARNING: Do not attempt to modify thistool or create accessories not recommended for use with this tool. Anysuch alterationor modification is misuse arid coutdresul_in s h_.ardous condition leadingto possibleseriouspersonalir(|ury. _1_ WARNING: To preventaccidental startingthat could cause seriouspersenaf injury, a_,ays remove the battery pack _om the too[ when assembling parts. _1_ WARNING: Do not allow famiSa_tywith tools to make you careJess.Remember that a careless fracbonof a second issufficientto intiictserious ]njury. _k WARNING: Alwayswear safety gogglesor safety glasseswith side shieldswhen operatingtools. Failureto do so could result in objectsbeingthrown intoyour eyes,resultinginpoasibisseriousinjury. _1= WARNING: Do not use any attachments or acoas series not recommended by th_ rna_u_oturer of this tool.The useofattachmentsor accessories not recommended can resultinserlouspersonalinjury. APPLICATIONS You may use this tool for the foUowingpurposes: • Drillinginwood • Drillinginceramics, plastics,fibergtess,and laminates • Ddlling in metals • Mbdng paint CAUTION: If at anypointduringthe charging process none of the LEDs are lit, removethe battary pack _'om _e chargerto avoid damaging the product. DO NOT insert another battery.Return the chargerand batterytoyour nearestservicecenter for service or replacement. CHARGING THE BAI-I'ERY PACK The battery pack for this tool has been shippedin a low charge conditionto prevent possible problems.Therefore, youshouldchargeovernightpriorto use. NOTE: Batteries will not reach furl oharge the first time they are charged. Allow several cycles (operationfollowed by recharging]for them to become fully charged. • Charge battery pack only w_ththe charging assembly provided. • Make surepowersupplyisnormalhouseholdvoltage, 120 volts, 60 Hz, AC on_y. • Connect charger to power supply. • Place battery pack in charging stand.Align raised db on bat_eP/pack with groovein chargingstan_. See F/gum 2. • Pressdown onb_ttsrypack to be'sure contacts on battery pack engage properlywith contacts in charging stand. • The charge indicator light (LED), located on the charging stand, wi_ I'_ghtup red and glow when the eharger is properlyconnectedto power supply. "Thislight indicates the charger is operatingproperty.It will remainon unblbatterypackisremovedfrom charging stand or charger is disconnectedf_om power supply. • AfternormaJusage,3hoursork_saof chargingtime is required to hJftyrecharge battery pack. NOTE; If both red and orangeLED ind_caforsglow, the battery pack is deeply orcompk=.te0jd(scharged, and 6 hours er longerof chargingtime }srequiredto fully rechargethebatterypack, Ifthechargerdoesnotcharge_hebatterypack,or the orangeLEDcorr_nuesto glowaftermorethan30 m_nutes of chsrg'lng,returnthe battery pack andcharg ing e.ssemb[yto your nearestSears Repair Center for electricalcheck. • The batterypackwill become slightlywarm to the touch while charging.This is normaland does not indicate a problem. m Do not place chargerin an area of extreme heat or cold. It wiltwork best at normalroom temperature. II When batteries become fully charged, unplugcharger from powersupplyandremovethe battery pack. CHARGING A HOT BA'rrt=RY PACK When usingyour tool continuously, the batteries Inyour battery pack willbecome hot.Youshould let a hotbattery pack cool down for approximately 30 minutes before attempting to recharge. NOTE: This situationorgyoccurs when continuoususe of your ddll causes the batteries to become hot. It does not occur under nonT_ circumstances.Refer to =CHARGING THE BATTERY PACI_ for normalrecharg]ngof battedes. If the chargingaasembly doesnot chargeyour battery pack undernormalcircumstances,returnboth the battery pack and chargingassembly to your nearest Sears Repair Center for electricalcheck. 10 BATTERY TOREMOVEPACK PACK BATTERY SHOWN CI'.I_GING INCHARGER See Figure3...
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