К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
Effective communication range
In hospitals, on trains, in airplanes, at
BLUETOOTH devices should be used
gas stations, and any place where
within approximately 10 meters
flammable gasses may be present
(unobstructed distance) of each other.
Near automatic doors or fire alarms
The effective communication range
may become shorter under the
This system supports security functions
following conditions.
that comply with the BLUETOOTH
When a person, metal object, wall or
specification as a means of ensuring
other obstruction is between the
security during communication using
devices with a BLUETOOTH
BLUETOOTH technology. However, this
security may be insufficient depending
Locations where a wireless LAN is
on the setting contents and other
factors, so always be careful when
Around microwave ovens that are in
performing communication using
BLUETOOTH technology.
Locations where other
electromagnetic waves occur
Sony cannot be held liable in any way
for damages or other loss resulting
Effects of other devices
from information leaks during
BLUETOOTH devices and wireless LAN
communication using BLUETOOTH
(IEEE 802.11b/g) use the same
frequency band (2.4 GHz). When using
BLUETOOTH communication is not
your BLUETOOTH device near a device
necessarily guaranteed with all
with wireless LAN capability,
BLUETOOTH devices that have the
electromagnetic interference may
same profile as this system.
BLUETOOTH devices connected with
This could result in lower data transfer
this system must comply with the
rates, noise, or inability to connect. If
BLUETOOTH specification prescribed by
this happens, try the following
the Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and must be
certified to comply. However, even
Try connecting this system and
when a device complies with the
BLUETOOTH mobile phone or
BLUETOOTH specification, there may be
BLUETOOTH device when you are at
cases where the characteristics or
least 10 meters away from the
specifications of the BLUETOOTH device
wireless LAN equipment.
make it impossible to connect, or may
Turn off the power to the wireless
result in different control methods,
LAN equipment when using your
display or operation.
BLUETOOTH device within 10 meters.
Noise may occur or the audio may cut
off depending on the BLUETOOTH
Effects on other devices
device connected with this system, the
The radio waves broadcast by this
communications environment, or
system may interfere with the
surrounding conditions.
operation of some medical devices.
Since this interference may result in
malfunction, always turn off the power
on this system, BLUETOOTH mobile
phone and BLUETOOTH device in the
following locations: