К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
Please read these instructions for information about using the product correctly and safely. Keep the instructions handy for future reference. To ensure successful recordings, we recommend that you test the record function and volume before use. EN Introduction Introduction • The contents of this document may be changed in the future without advanced notice. Contact our Customer Suppor t Center for the latest information relating to product names and model numbers. • The illustration of the screen and the recorder shown in this manual may dif fer from the actual product. The utmost care has been taken to ensure the integrit y of this document but if you find a questionable item, error or omission, please contact our Customer Suppor t Center. • Any liability for passive damages or damage of any kind occurred due to data loss incurred by a defect of the product, repair per formed by the third par ty other than Olympus or an Olympus authorized ser vice station, or any other reason is excluded. Trademarks and registered trademarks • IBM and PC/AT are the trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. • Microsof t, Windows and Windows Media are registered trademarks of Microsof t Corporation. • Macintosh and iTunes are the trademarks of Apple Inc. • microSD and microSDHC are the trademark s of SD Card Association. • MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson. • EUPHONY MOBILE™ and DVM™ are the trademark s of DiMAGIC Corporation. • The product was developed based on noise-canceling technology under license from NEC Corporation. • Voice Activity Detection technology licensed from NT T Electronics Corporation. Other product and brand names mentioned herein may be the trademarks or registered trademark s of their respective owners. EN 2 Table of contents Introduction S a fet y prec aution s ............................................ 4 1 Getting started M ai n featur es .................................................... 8 Check ing t he content s of t he box ......................10 Ide nti f ic ation o f par t s ...................................... 11 Display (LCD p anel).................................................. 12 Power suppl y ....................................................15 Inser ting bat teries .................................................. 15 B at ter y s et tings....................................................... 16 Charging by connec ting to a computer via USB ...... 17 Connec t to the USB connec ting AC adapter (o ptional) to c harge .......................................... 18 Turning on/of f the power ........................................20 HOLD ................................................................21 S et ti n g time a nd date [ Time & Date] .................22 Changing the time and date....................................23 In s er ting and ejec ti ng a mic r oSD c ard ...............24 Inser ting a microSD card ......................................... 24 Ejec ting a microSD c ard ...........................................25 [Ho me] disp lay operat ions ................................26 Notes on t he fol de rs .........................................27 About the folder s f or voice re cordings .................... 27 About the folder for music playb ack .......................28 About the folder for Podcas t Content s....................29 About the folder for Audible Contents ....................29 S el ec t ing the f older s and f iles ..........................30 2 About recording Recor ding .........................................................31 Changing the recording s cene [Rec Scene] .............34 Recommended set tings by re cording condition .... 35 Recor ding from ex ter nal microphone or other devices ...............................................................36 3 About playback Playb ac k ..........................................................38 Playback Position mo de .......................................... 42 Changing the play back speed .................................4 4 Set ting an index mark or a temp mark ................... 45 How to begin segment repeat playback .................4 6 Changing the play back s cene [Play Scene] ............. 47 Erasing ............................................................ 4 8 Erasing f iles .............................................................4 8 Erasing a folder........................................................4 8 Par tially erasing a f ile .............................................49 4 Menu setting Me n u set ti ng method .......................................51 + File Menu............................................................53 , Re c Menu ............................................................53 - Play Menu...........................................................60 . LCD/So und Menu................................................63 / Device Menu .....................................
Эта инструкция также подходит к моделям:Диктофоны - DM-650 (2.09 mb)
Диктофоны - DM‑670 (2.09 mb)
Диктофоны - DM‑650 (2.09 mb)