Скачали: 18   Размер: 976 kb   Производитель: Brookstone  
Категория: Часы

4 ResettingtheTimer......................................................... 4 CareandMaintenance...................................................... 4 Warnings and Cautions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8 Warranty ................................................................9-10 615096_INS_Dbl.WatchWinder_Size:5”Wx4.75”H_Output:100%_Prints:1/0_Black but Brookstone, in so far as permitted by law, provides these produ

Скачали: 26   Размер: 862 kb   Производитель: Brookstone  
Категория: Часы

BrookStone ShaLL not Be LiaBLe For incidentaL or conSeQuentiaL damaGeS reSuLtinG From the uSe oF thiS Product, or ariSinG out oF anY Breach oF thiS warrantY. to the eXtent Permitted BY aPPLicaBLe Law, BrookStone diScLaimS anY and aLL StatutorY or imPLied warrantieS, incLudinG, without Limitation, warrantieS oF merchantaBiLitY, FitneSS For a ParticuLar PurPoSe and warrantieS aGainSt hidden or Latent deFectS. iF BrookStone cannot LawFuLLY diScLaim StatutorY or imPLied warrantieS, then to the eXten
