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Инструкция по эксплуатации Philips, модель AQ6688/00

Производитель: Philips
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6 To fast wind, press 11, to rewind press 22. Press 9 to stop fast winding. 7 To reverse the tape direction during playback, adjust the DIRECTION 1 2 control. 8 To stop playback, press 9and the set is switched off. ™ The display shows OFF before reverting to the clock mode. AUTO REVERSE The tape direction will be automatically reversed each time the tape reaches the end. Cassette playback continues in this way unless you press 9 or until batteries are exhausted. AQ 6688 /00 - page 9 GENERAL INFORMATION Accessories (included) 1 x AY 3660 stereo headphones, 1 x Belt clip Using the Belt Clip 1 To attach the belt clip, position the shaped grip on the reverse so that it fits into the belt clip hole. 2 Simultaneously, press and turn the clip to LOCK as indicated on the set. 3 To detach, gently lift the belt clip and turn to RELEASE as indicated on the set. TAKE CARE WHEN USING HEADPHONES Hearing Safety: Listen at a moderate volume. Use at high volume can impair your hearing! Traffic Safety: Do not use headphones while driving or cycling as you may cause a traffic accident! MAINTENANCE • For quality playback, clean the magnetic head after every 50 hours of operation or, on average once a month by playing through a cleaning tape. • Do not expose the set and cassettes to rain, moisture, sand, or to excessive heat e.g. heating equipment, cars parked in direct sunlight. ENVIRONMENTAL NOTE 1 The packaging has been minimized so that it is easy to separate into two mono-materials: cardboard, and polyethylene. Please observe the local regulations regarding the disposal of these packaging materials. 2 Please inquire about local regulations on how to hand in your old set for recycling. 3 Batteries contain chemical substances, so they should be disposed of properly. 9 English If a fault occurs, first check the points listed below before taking by following these hints, consult your dealer or service centre. AQ 6688 /00 - page 10 TROUBLESHOOTING English WARNING: Under no circumstances should you try to repair the set yourself, as this will invalidate your guarantee. PROBLEM – POSSIBLE CAUSE • REMEDY Hum when using mains adapter – Adapter used is unsuitable • Use a Philips SBC6650 or other standard regulated 3V DC adapters Poor sound/ no sound – Headphones plug not fully inserted • Insert plug fully – Volume is turned down • Turn up volume – Tape head dirty • Clean tape head (see MAINTENANCE) Severe radio hum/ distortion – FM aerial (headphones cord) not fully extended • Extend FM aerial fully – Set too close to TV, computer, etc. • Move set away from other electrical equipment – Batteries weak • Insert new batteries Front panel controls/ display does not function properly – Electrostatic discharge • Use a ball-point pen to press the RESET button and then reprogramme settings Auto reverse occurs before end of tape – High friction on tape • Try fast winding the tape once The model number is found at the bottom of the set and the production number in the battery compartment. This set complies with the radio interference requirements of the European Union. 10 AQ 6688 /00 - page 11 ALIMENT A TION AQ 6688 /00 - page 11 ALIMENT A TION Transformateur La tension du transformateur 3V adapter doit correspondre a la tension locale. La broche centrale 1,3 mm de la prise 3,5 mm du transformateur doit etre branchee au pole negatif (- ). • Branchez le transformateur a la prise 3V C.C. de l'appareil. • Debranchez toujours le transformateur si l'appareil n'est pas utilise. Piles (en option) • Ouvrez le compartiment a piles et inserez deux piles alcalines de type R6, UM3 ou AA comme indique. Utilisez des piles POWER LIFE de Philips qui vous procureront 18 heures de lecture de cassette. • Enlevez les piles de l'appareil si elles sont usees ou si l'appareil doit rester inutilise pendant une periode de temps prolongee. ™ Lorsque les piles deviennent trop faibles, clignote brievement dans l'afficheur et vous devrez remplacer les piles. Si la radio est en marche, elle s'arretera automatiquement. ™ Il vous faudra peut-etre reprogrammer les stations prereglees. PROTECTION MEMOIRE La protection memoire sert de relais en cas d'interruption ou de coupure d'electricite. Lorsque vous changez les piles ou si vous branchez l'appareil sur secteur, les reglages de l'heure, les stations prereglees et la derniere station radio ecoutee seront maintenus pendant environ 2 minutes. Ce laps de temps vous permet de changer les piles ou de passer sur secteur sans avoir a programmer de nouveau tous les parametres precedemment enregistres. 11 Francais AQ 6688 /00 - page 12 GENERALITES REGLAGE DE L'HEURE AQ 6688 /00 - page 12 GENERALITES REGLAGE DE L'HEURE Francais Bouton Reset Si l'appareil est sujet a des interferences exterieures, comme par exemple l'electricite statique provoquee par les tapis, moquettes, orages, etc., qui perturbent l'affichage et les fonctions electroniques de votre appareil, le bouton Reset vous permet d'annuler tous les parametres existants (pas d...

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