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Инструкция по эксплуатации Fostex, модель CR300

Производитель: Fostex
Размер: 1.11 mb
Название файла: 15d91e51-e23d-46bb-8e51-919443912d8d.pdf
Язык инструкции:en
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Lights. • In case the disc contains skip ID data, the SKIP ON indicator lights automatically. • In case the disc does not contain skip ID data, the SKIP ON indicator does not light. 2 Press the play ( button. • The disc is played by skipping tracks to which skip IDs have been set. • In case skip playback is not required Discs containing tracks to which track skip IDs have been set can also be played without skipping them. Just press the SKIP PLAY button to turn the SKIP ON indicator off before playing the disc. ) • The SKIP PLAY button is not accepted if the disc does not contain skip ID data. CR300 CHARACTER MESSAGE LIST Message Description Ref. Page OPEN The tray is being opened. page 15 CLOSE The tray is being closed. page 15 “SET” “UP” The unit is performing initial setup for recording. Please wait a while. “TOC” “READ” The unit is reading the TOC of the disc. Please wait a while. 1-SYNC The unit is standing by for 1-track automatic digital recording. The recording will start in synchronism with the start of the player. page 18 AL-SYNC The unit is standing by for all-track automatic digital recording. The recording will start in synchronism with the start of the player. page 19 “CAN NOT” “SYNC” This display will appear when the DIGITAL SYNCHRO button is pressed if the INPUT selector is set for an analog source, or even in digital mode, if the source selected is other than a CD, Mini Disc, DAT, or DCC (S/P DIF only). page 18, page 19, page 20 MONI The unit is monitoring the input selected with the input selector. page 16 “INPUT” “CD” (MD, DAT, DCC) The unit displays the source it is monitoring (for CD, MD, DAT, and DCC). (S/P DIF only) page 16 “PMA REC” Temporary TOC data is being recorded in the disc's PMA (Program Memory Area). Never turn off the power while this display is showing. page 17, page 18, page 19, page 21, page 22 “TRACK ?” The current operation is the track programming operation. Select a track with the numeric buttons or or button. page 38 “SKIP” “SET?” The current operation is the track skip setting operation. If you want to skip a track, select it with the SKIP ID SET button. page 29 “SKIP” “CLEAR?” The current operation is the track skip clear operation. If you want to clear the skip designation of a track, select it with the SKIP ID CLEAR button. page 30 “LAST” “TRACK” “ERASE?” Erases the last track. If you want to erase the last track, press the pause ( ) button. page 33 “TOC” “ERASE?” Erases the TOC (initializing it). If you want to erase the TOC, press the pause ( ) button . page 33 “ALL” “TRACK” “ERASE?” Erases all tracks. If you want to erase the all tracks, press the pause ( ) button . page 34 “ALL” “DISC” “ERASE?” Erases the entire disc (initializing it). If you want to erase the disc, press the pause ( ) button. page 34 In addition to above, other character messages are also displayed as the unit detects troubles during use. For other character messages than above, refer to “Self-diagnostics” on page 42. CR300 TROUBLESHOOTING In case of trouble, first check the following list. What seems to be a failure of the unit is sometimes due to imperfect maintenance, defective disc or unaccustomed operation. Such troubles are often recovered by correcting simple mistake or misunderstanding or by simple maintenance operation. If your trouble cannot be recovered after checking the following list, please call you nearest FOSTEX service center or station. Self-diagnostics This unit incorporates a self-diagnostic function. When it detects trouble during an operation, it displays one of the following messages on the display panel. Display Cause Treatment Ref. Page Alternate display of "CHECK" and "DISC" The disc is stopped due to dirt, stain, scratch or vibration. The disc may be loaded upside down. Take out the disc and check for dirt, dust, scratch, etc. Take out and check the disc. If the same messages are displayed again after the disc is reloaded, unplug the power cord and plug it in again. If the same messages are displayed again, please contact a FOSTEX authorized service center. Page 9 page 15 Display blinks "CHECK" A system error occurred perhaps due to noise or static electricity. Unplug the power cord and plug it in again. If the same messages are displayed again, please contact a FOSTEX authorized service center. Information messages related to recording operation Display Cause Treatment Ref. Page Alternate display of "CAN NOT" and "REC". The digital input is interrupted. The data (CD-ROM, etc.) provided cannot be recorded. Check if the digital input cable is not disconnected and if the power of the source player is on. Check whether the source is a regular music source. Page 10 page 17 Cyclic display of "CHECK", "INPUT" and "CD ?". The source player was already playing when the DIGITAL SYNCHRO button was pressed. Stop playing the source player. In a while, "1-SYNC" or "AL-SYNC" is displayed, and the unit is set to the synchro recording standby mode. page 1...

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