Фрагмент инструкции
.. GRIZZLY ID # 404001623. REVISED JANUARY, 2003. PRINTED IN CHINA ONLINE MANUAL DISCLAIMER THE INFORMATION IN THIS MANUAL REPRESENTS THE CONFIGURATION OF THE MACHINE AS IT IS CURRENTLY BEING SHIPPED. THE MACHINE CONFIGURATION CAN CHANGE AS PRODUCT IMPROVEMENTS ARE INCORPORATED. IF YOU OWN AN EARLIER VERSION OF THE MACHINE, THIS MANUAL MAY NOT EXACTLY DEPICT YOUR MACHINE . CONTACT CUSTOMER SERVICE IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT DIFFERENCES. PREVIOUS VERSIONS ARE NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE. I IIM MMP PPO OOR RRT TTA AAN NNT TT S SSA AAF FFE EET TTY YY I IIN NNF FFO OOR RRM MMA AAT TTI IIO OON NN F FFo oor rr Y YYo oou uur rr O OOw wwn nn S SSa aaf ffe eet tty yy R RRe eea aad dd I IIn nns sst ttr rru uuc cct tti iio oon nn M MMa aan nnu uua aal ll B BBe eef ffo oor rre ee O OOp ppe eer rra aat tti iin nng gg T TTh hhi iis ss E EEq qqu uui iip ppm mme een nnt tt 1 11. ..A AAL LLW WWA AAY YYS SS W WWE EEA AAR RR E EEY YYE EE P PPR RRO OOT TTE EEC CCT TTI IIO OON NN. .. Use safety approved lenses, everyday glasses only have impact resistant lenses, they are NOT safety glasses. 2 22. ..W WWE EEA AAR RR P PPR RRO OOP PPE EER RR A AAP PPP PPA AAR RRE EEL LL Do not wear loose clothing, gloves, neckties, rings, bracelets, or other jewelry which may get caught in moving parts. Non-slip footwear is recommended. Wear protective hair covering to contain long hair. 3 33. ..K KKE EEE EEP PP W WWO OOR RRK KK A AAR RRE EEA AA C CCL LLE EEA AAN NN. Cluttered areas and benches invite accidents. 4 44. ..K KKE EEE EEP PP C CCH HHI IIL LLD DDR RRE EEN NN A AAN NND DD V VVI IIS SSI IIT TTO OOR RRS SS A AAW WWA AAY YY. All children and visitors should be kept a safe distance from work area. 5 55. ..M MMA AAK KKE EE W WWO OOR RRK KK S SSH HHO OOP PP C CCH HHI IIL LLD DD P PPR RRO OOO OOF FF with padlocks, master switches, or by removing starter keys. 6 66. ..M MMA AAI IIN NNT TTA AAI IIN NN T TTO OOO OOL LLS SS W WWI IIT TTH HH C CCA AAR RRE EE. .. Keep tools sharp and clean for best and safest performance. Follow instructions for lubricating and changing accessories. 7 77. ..D DDO OON NN’ ’’T TT O OOV VVE EER RRR RRE EEA AAC CCH HH. .. Keep proper footing and balance at all times. 8 88. ..S SSU UUP PPP PPO OOR RRT TT T TTH HHE EE W WWO OOR RRK KKP PPI IIE EEC CCE EE adequately at all times during operation; maintain control of the work at all times. Use clamps or a vise to hold the work securely. 9 99. ..D DDO OON NN’ ’’T TT F FFO OOR RRC CCE EE T TTO OOO OOL LL. It will do the job better and safer at the rate for which it was designed. 1 110 00. ..U UUS SSE EE R RRI IIG GGH HHT TT T TTO OOO OOL LL. .. Don’t force tool or attachment to do a job for which it was not designed. 1 111 11. ..U UUS SSE EE R RRE EEC CCO OOM MMM MME EEN NND DDE EED DD A AAC CCC CCE EES SSS SSO OOR RRI IIE EES SS. .. Consult the owner’s manual for recommended accessories. The use of improper accessories may cause risk of injury. 1 112 22. ..C CCH HHE EEC CCK KK D DDA AAM MMA AAG GGE EED DD P PPA AAR RRT TTS SS. .. Before further use of the tool, a guard or other part that is damaged should be carefully checked to determine that it will operate properly and perform its intended function.-Check for alignment of moving parts, binding of moving parts, breakage of parts, mounting, and any other conditions that may affect its operation. A guard or other part that is damaged should be properly repaired or replaced. G7153 Universal Bender -1 U UUN NNP PPA AAC CCK KKI IIN NNG GG The Model G7153 Heavy-Duty Universal Bender is shipped from the manufacturer in a carefully packed carton. If you discover the tool is damaged after you’ve signed for delivery, please call Customer Service immediatelyfor advice. Save the containers and all packing materials for possible inspection by the carrier or its agent. Otherwise filing a freight claim can be difficult. When you are completely satisfied with the condition of your shipment, you should inventory its parts. Refer to the attached parts list and make certain you have all the parts and dies included with this bending tool. If any components are missing, contact Customer Service. In the event that any non-proprietary parts are missing (e.g. a nut or a washer), we would be glad to replace them, or, for the sake of expediency, replacements can be obtained at your local hardware store. C CCL LLE EEA AAN NN U UUP PP The cast iron and other unpainted parts of the Model G7153 may be coated with a waxy oil that protects them from corrosion during shipment. Remove the protective coating with mineral spirits and paper towels. Do not use gasoline or other petroleum based solvents because of their extremely low flash points. Do not use chlorine-based solvents – if you happen to splash some onto a painted surface, you’ll ruin the finish. F FFo ool llllo oow ww t tth hhe ee s ssa aaf ffe eet tty yy r rru uul lle ees ss l lli iis sst tte eed dd b bbe eel llo oow ww w wwh hhe een nn w wwo oor rrk kki iin nng ggw wwi iit tth hhs sso ool llv vve ...
Эта инструкция также подходит к моделям:Блендеры - G7153 (201.38 kb)
Блендеры - G7153 (201.38 kb)
Блендеры - G7153 (201.38 kb)