Инструкция по эксплуатации Jonsered, модель CS 2240
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6 Technical data...................................................... 10 Service tools ........................................................ 12 Service data ......................................................... 14 Safety equipment................................................. 16 Repair instructions.............................................. 24 Carburettor........................................................... 33 Troubleshooting................................................... 53 Jonsered has a policy of continuous product development and therefore reserves the right to modify thedesign and appearance of products without prior notice. Index Index B Bar bolt 52 Replacing the bar bolt 52 C Carburettor 33 Assemble on the saw 40 Assembly 38 Carburettor adjustment 41 Cleaning and inspection 37 Design 33 Dismantling 35 Function 34 Pressure testing the carburettor 39 Centrifugal clutch 30 Centrifugal clutch - refitting 31 Centrifugal clutch - removal 30 Inspection and cleaning 30 Chain brake 17 Chaine brake - reassembly 18 Cleaning and inspection 17 Dismantling the chaine brake 17 Chain catcher 20 Chain catcher - replacement 20 Crankcase and crankshaft 50 Crankshaft bearings - replacement 50 Crankshaft complete - dismantling 50 Crankshaft complete - reassembly 51 F Fuel system 44 Replacing the fuel filter 44 Replacing the fuel hose/return hose 44 Replacing the air-purge 44 Venting the fuel tank 42 I Ignition module and flywheel 28 Cleaning and inspection 28 Ignition module - testing 27 Ignition module and flywheel - refitting 29 Ignition module and flywheel - removal 28 Intake system 32 Air intake system removal 32 Assembling the intake system 32, 48Cleaning and inspection 32 Introduction and safety instructions 7 Changes 7 General 7 General Instructions 8 Numbering 7 Safety 7 Special Instructions 8 Symbols in the Workshop Manual 9 Symbols on the saw 9 Structure 7 Target group 7 Tools 7 O Oil pump and screen 31 Assembling the oil pump and screen 32 Cleaning and inspection 31 Dismantling the oil pump and screen 31 P Piston and cylinder 45 Cleaning and inspection 45 Cylinder - pressure testing 49 Faults and causes 47 Piston and cylinder - refitting 47 Piston and cylinder - removal 45 S Service data 14 Special tools 12 Silencer 19 Cleaning and inspection 19 Silencer - refitting 19 Silencer - removal 19 Starter 25, 26 Changing a broken or worn starter cord 26 Cleaning and inspection 25, 26Replacing a worn recoil spring 27 Starter assembly - refitting 27 Starter assembly - removal 25 Tensioning the recoil spring 26 Start/Stop switch 20 Assembling the start/stop control 21 Cleaning and inspection 20 Dismantling the start/stop control 20 Stopping function 21 Stop switch - resistance measurement 21 T Tank unit 42 Assembly 43 Dismantling 42 Technical Data 10 Threads 51 Repairing damaged threads 51 Throttle lock, throttle trigger and return spring 22 Cleaning and inspection 23 Throttle lock, throttle trigger and return spring - refitting 23 Throttle lock, throttle trigger and return spring - removal 22 Index Trouble shooting 54 Trouble-shooting methods 55 Vibration damping system 43 Assembly 43 Cleaning and inspection 43 Dismantling 43 Introduction and safety instructions 2 Introduction and safety instructions Contents 2.1 General ...........................................................................................................................7 2.2 Safety .............................................................................................................................7 2.3 Target group ...................................................................................................................7 2.4 Changes ..........................................................................................................................7 2.5 Tools ...............................................................................................................................7 2.6 Structure .........................................................................................................................7 2.7 Numbering ......................................................................................................................7 2.8 General instructions ........................................................................................................8 2.9 Special instructions .........................................................................................................8 2.10 Symbols on the saw .......................................................................................................9 2.11 Symbols in the Workshop Manual ..................................................................................9 Introduction and safety instructions 2 Introduction and safety instructions 2.1 General This Workshop Manual describes in detail how the chain saw is to be fault traced, repaired and tested. A description of different safety measures that should be tak...