Инструкция по эксплуатации Swim'n Play, модель Above Ground Swimming Pool
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It prevents the wall from lifting up and from the liner sneaking underneath the pool wall. MANUFACTURER CAN NOT ASSUME THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS PRODUCT IF THE EARTH MOUND IS OMITTED OR NOT PROPERLY INSTALLED. EARTH MOUND 8” 8” OPTIONAL WALL GUARD 12” 12” DANGER DO NOT USE ANY MATERIAL THAT WILL COMPRESS UNDER PRESSURE FOR THE EARTH MOUND. SEE INSTRUCTIONS TO LEFT. Build earth mound on top of wall guard using screened damp earth or pre-washed sand. Shape and compact earth mound to run 8" up from ground and 8" away from the wall. Build a ." mound on top of the bottom straps and hold down sheets to protect your liner from metal edges of the strap. Do not use any material that will compress under pressure for the earth mound is an important part of the pool installation. It prevents the wall from lifting up and from the liner sneaking underneath the pool wall. MANUFACTURER CAN NOT ASSUME THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS PRODUCT IF THE EARTH MOUND IS OMITTED OR NOT PROPERLY INSTALLED. EARTH MOUND 8” 8” OPTIONAL WALL GUARD 12” 12” DANGER DO NOT USE ANY MATERIAL THAT WILL COMPRESS UNDER PRESSURE FOR THE EARTH MOUND. SEE INSTRUCTIONS TO LEFT. PLASTIC EDGING OUTSIDE VIEW OF POOL WALL LINER INSTALLATION WILL MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE TO MOVE THE LINER WITHOUT DAMAGING IT. THE LINER FORCEFULLY. ONCE YOU HAVE STARTED TO FILL THE POOL, DO NOT TRY TO PULL POOLS INSTALLED ON LEVEL GROUND AS DEFINED ABOVE. LINER CAUTION YOUR POOL IS DESIGNED TO PROVIDE AN AMPLE SAFETY MARGIN WHEN IT STANDS ON LEVEL GROUND. FOR THIS PURPOSE A SLOPE IN EXCESS OF 2 INCHES IN ANY DIRECTION WALL TO WALL IS CONSIDERED OFF LEVEL YOUR POOL WARRANTY ONLY APPLIES TO TOP RAIL VINYL LINER THE WEIGHT OF EVEN ONE INCH OF WATER INCORRECTCORRECT POOL LINER AIR SPACEPOOL LINER STANDARD OVERHANG LINER POOL WALL EARTH MOUND 1. Clear all sticks and sharp objects from an area near the pool, that is as large as the pool itself. Remove the liner from its carton and unfold and open the liner. Refold the liner so that it can easily be carried to the pool and unfold from the outside of the pool. Check the levelness of the sand in the pool and make sure that no sharp objects are still in the pool. 2. Place the liner into the pool while holding onto the top of the wall section of the liner. Overhang the top wall of the liner over the pool wall approximately 4” and hold it by temporarily placing the plastic edging over the liner and the wall. Continue in this manner around the entire pool. 3. Gently pull on the liner and use a soft bristle broom to remove as many wrinkles as possible on the bottom of the pool. Adjust the overhang of the liner as needed as you go trying to keep it as equal as possible around the pool. 4. Be sure that the seam of the liner where the wall meets the floor of the liner is evenly centered in the pool. Start filling the pool slowly with water. Continue pulling gently and working the liner with a broom, and readjusting the overhang as necessary. 5. Some wrinkling of the liner may be evident and in no way affects the structural strength of your pool. Once the water is filled to a point that the liner is pressed firmly against the wall install the thru-the-wall skimmer following its instructions. Then you can fill the entire pool as quickly as desired. The excess liner material overhanging the wall can either be trimmed later when the pool is filled, or double folded now to the inside of the pool between the liner and the wall. Permanently install the plastic edging around the entire pool, not leaving any gaps. EZ HOOK LINER INSTALLATION ATTENTION: An 8 inch cove must be placed all around the inside of the pool POOL WALLOUTSIDE VIEWOF POOL WALLCOVE8” 8” OPTIONALWALL GUARD12” 12” 1. Clear all sticks and sharp objects from an area near the pool, that is as large as the pool itself. Remove the liner from its carton and unfold and open the liner. Refold the liner so that it can easily be carried to the pool and unfold from the outside of the pool. Check the levelness of the sand in the pool and make sure that no sharp objects are still in the pool. 2. Place the liner into the pool while holding onto the top of the wall section of the liner. 3. Place the EZ Hook of the liner onto the top of the wall around the entire pool. Temporarily place a few of the top rails over the liner edging to support and sturdy the wall. Continue in this manner around the entire pool. TOP RAIL 4. Gently pull on the liner and use a soft bristle broom to remove as many wrinkles as possible on the bottom of the pool. EZ HOOK VINYL LINER 5. Start filling the pool slowly with water. Continue pulling gently and working the liner with a broom as needed. 6. Some wrinkling of the liner may be evident and in no way affects the structural strength of your pool. Once the water is filled to a point that the liner is pressed firmly against the wall install the thru-the-wall skimmer following its instructions. Then you can fill the entire pool as quickly as d...