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It is designed to fit Clarion monitors (VMA6491 or VMA7191) for rear passenger entertainment. Please follow the directions carefully. Clarion Monitor Headrest Shroud Preparation 1. Remove the headrest from the vehicle. 2. Using scissors, cut along the dotted lines of the provided headrest template. Note: Lay the template on headrest or seatback and verify fit and size. Make sure you verify the fit before proceding to the next step. 3. Lay the template on the headrest or seatback. Carefull

. Please read this owner’s manual in its entirety before operating this equipment. . After reading this manual, be sure to keep it in a handy place (e.g., glove compartment). . Check the contents of the enclosed warranty card and keep it carefully with this manual. . This manual includes the operating procedures of the CD changer and TV tuner connected via the CeNET cable. The CD changer and TV tuner have their own manuals, but no explanations for operating them are described. Contents 1. FEATUR

Refer ReferRefer all allall servicing servicingservicing to toto qualified qualifiedqualified service serviceservice personnel. personnel.personnel. TV System--- TV System---TV System--- This ThisThis unit unitunit is isis compatible compatiblecompatible with withwith television televisiontelevision sets setssets featuring featuringfeaturing either eithereither the thethe NTSC NTSCNTSC or P or Por PAL ALAL color system. color system.color system. Ventilation--- Slots Ventilation--- SlotsVentilat

No robe la musica. IPod es una marca registrada de Apple S.A., certificado en EE UU y otros paises. English Francais Deutsch Italiano Nederlands Espanol Svenska Portugues 43 1. INTRODUCCION El Clarion EA1276, un adaptador de interficie de iPod CeNET, simula las caracteristicas y funciones del iPod para una unidad principal compatible. La unidad principal sera capaz de reproducir Listas de Reproduccion, Artistas, Albums, Canciones, Generos, o Compositores durante la reproduccion. Para una lista d