Фрагмент инструкции
operaci6n antes de usar este producto por primera vez. Fasten the manual near the garage Guardar este manual cerca de la door after installation. puerta del garaje. regul_ons er{Bcbve Comphes w=thUL 325 January _ 19_3 C_ US Cump_e con las Regl_menta_ones UL 325 en vlgenc_a (lesde el 1 (_e enero d6 1993 Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A corn/craftsman TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 2-7 Safety symbol and signal word review ..... 2 Preparing your garage door ................. 3 Tools needed ........................ 3 Planning .......... 4-5 Carton inventory .............. 6 Hardware inventory ................ 7 Assembly 8.11 Assemble the rail and installtrolley 8 Fasten rail to motor unit and installidler pulley 9 Install chain/cable and attach sprocket cover 10 Tighten the chain ............. 11 Installation 11-27 Installation safety instructions ....... Determine the header bracket location ..... Install the header bracket ......... Attach the rail to the header bracket ......... Position the opener ....... Hang the opener ........ Install the door control .............. Install the light and lens ............... 11 12-13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Attach the emergency release rope and handle ..... 19 Electncal requirements ...... Instalt the safety reversing sensor . Fasten the door bracket ...... 20 21-23 24-25 Connect the door arm to the trolley .... 26-27 INTRODUCTION Safety Symbol and Signal Word Review Adjustment Adjust the travel limits... Adjust the force ....... Test the safety reversal system. Test the safety reversing sensor Operation Operatton safety instructions Ustng your garage door opener Using the wall-mounted Door Control To open the door manually Care of your garage door opener Having a problem'_ Programming To add a hand-held remote control . To erase all codes . . 3-Function Remotes To add or change a Keyless Entry PIN Repair Parts Rail assembly parts .... Installation parts .... Motor unit assembly parts.. Accessories Warranty 28.30 ... 26 • 29 30 30 31.34 .. 31 ...31 32 32 33 34 35-36 35 35 35 ... 36 37.38 37 37 ...... 38 39 39 Service Numbers Back cover This garage door opener has been designed and tested to offer safe service prowded it _sinstalled, operated, maintained and tested in strict accordance with the instructions and warnings contained in this manual ! 4tI WARNING Mechanical [ AWARNING Electrical [ CAUTION When you see these Safety Symbols and Stgnal Words on the following pages, they will alert you to the possiblhty of serious injury or death ff you do not comply whththe warnings that accompany them. The hazard may come from something mechanical l or from electnc shock Read the warnings carefully When you see th_sSignal Word on the following pages, _tw_ll alert you to the posstbdlty of damage to your garage door and/or the garage door opener ff l you do not comply wTth the cautionary statements that accompany [t Read them carefully 2 Preparing your garage door Before you begin" • Disable locks • Remove any ropes connected to garage door • Complete the following test to make sure your garage door _sbalanced and _snot sbckmg or binding 1 Lift the door about halfway as shown Release the door If balanced, it should stay in place supported entirely by its springs. 2. Raise and lower the door to see If there is any binding or sticking. If your door binds, sticks, or is out of balance, call a trained door systems techmcian. Sectional Door One-Piece Door Level WARNING To preventposs_b]eSERIOUSINJURY013DEATH • ALWAYScall a traJneddoor systemsteohmcian_f garagedoorbrads,st_cks,or is out of balance An unbalancedgaragedoor may not reversewhen required • NEVERtry to loosen,move or adjust garagedoer,door spnngs, cables pulleys, bracketsor theLrhardware,all of whichare underEXTREMEtension • DisableALL locks and removeALL ropesconnectedto garagedoor BEFOREinstallingand operatinggarage door openerto avoid entanglement CAUTION Topreventdamageto garagedoorandopener • ALWAYSd_sablelocks beforeJnstalhngand operating the opener • ONLYoperategaragedoor openerat 120V,60 Hzto avoid malfunctionanddamage Tools needed During assembly,mstallabon and adjustment of the opener, instructions w_llcall for hand tools as dlustratedbelow Pencil Hack Saw Tape Measure Wire CutLers Drill 3/16", 5/16'and _--_ 5!32" DrLII Bits PherS Screwdriver Stepladder AdluStable Encl Wrench Planning Identify the type and height of your garage door. Survey your garage area to see if any of the conditions below apply to your installation. Additional materials may be required. You may find it helpful to refer back to this page and the accompanying illustrations as you proceed with the installation of your opener. Depending on your requirements, there are several installation steps which may call for materials or hardware not included in the carton. • Installation Step 1 -Look at the wall or ceiling above the garage door. The header bracket must be securely fastened to structural supports. • Installation Ste...
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