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Инструкция по эксплуатации Philips, модель AJ3977/37

Производитель: Philips
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AJ3977_00C 8/7/05 17:05 Page 1
Controls/ Power supply
Basic functions
CD Clock Radio
Controls (See 1)
Basic functions
Switching off the alarm
Front panel
Clock: sets clock time
Switching on and off and
Clock memory backup
There are 3 ways of switching off the alarm.
Tuner: programs preset stations
selecting functions
When power failure occurs, the set will be
Two different alarm times ALARM1 and
Unless you choose to cancel the alarm
CD: programs tracks and reviews the
– stops the active alarm for 24 hours
turned off. When the power supply returns,
1 Press ALARM RESET/ y to switch on.
ALARM2 can be set in the radio, CD or
completely, the Daily Alarm Reset option will
User manual
– turns the set on/off
12:00 appears on the display and you need to
The set switches to the last sound source
buzzer mode.
be automatically selected after 60 minutes-
– turns off SLEEP function
% SLEEP - displays/adjusts/turns off sleep timer
reset the clock.
To retain the clock/ alarm time in the event of
Setting the alarm time and
from the time your alarm time first goes off.
2 2 LIFT TO OPEN – lift here to open CD
= The active alarm is switched off.
AC power failure or disconnection, insert 2 x
– turns on ALARM 1 and selects radio, CD
2 Press CD/ TUNER once or more to select:
1.5V batteries, type AA (not supplied), into
1 Check the set is switched off.
Daily alarm reset
3 CD/ TUNER – selects CD or radio sound
or buzzer mode
CD or TUNER function.
the battery compartment: it will act as clock
2 Press ALARM 1 or ALARM 2 once or
If you want the alarm mode to be stopped
– stops ALARM 1 for 24 hours
3 Press y to switch off the set.
memory backup; However, operation of the
more to switch on the alarm and select tuner,
– turns off ALARM 1
immediately but also wish to repeat the
= The active alarm is switched on.
alarms, tuner and CD are excluded.
CD or buzzer alarm modes.
alarm call at the same time for the following
– turns on ALARM 2 and selects radio, CD
Back and bottom panels
Helpful hints:
1 Connect the power plug to the wall outlet.
➜ Hour and minute digits flash (12:00 flashes
or buzzer mode
& RESET – use a ballpoint pen to press the
The tuner presets and the volume level will be
2 Insert 2 x AA batteries into the battery
by default). Display shows AL1 (or AL2)
– stops ALARM 2 for 24 hours
hole if the set/display does not react to any of
• Press ALARM RESET/ y during the
retained in the set’s memory.
TUNER,AL1(or AL2) CD,AL1(or AL2)
– turns off ALARM 2
the controls
• Replace the batteries once a year, or as
alarm call.
(See 2)
Adjusting volume
5 DIM – changes the brightness of display
* Battery compartment – insert 2 x 1.5V
often as necessary.
3 Hold down or press HOUR/ MIN
• or press ALARM 1 or ALARM 2 during
Adjust the volume with the VOLUME3, 4
Batteries contain chemical substances,
AA batteries (not supplied) for clock memory
repeatedly to adjust the hours and minutes
the alarm call.
so they should be disposed of properly
6 REPEAT ALARM – stops the alarm for a
respectively. Release HOUR/ MIN when you
( Power cord - connects to wall outlet
➜ Display shows the volume level
and a
5-minute period
have reached the correct setting.
Repeat alarm
Setting the clock
) FM antenna – improves FM reception.
number from 00-20.
4 Press SET TIME/PROGRAM to confirm.
7 2; - starts or pauses CD playback
The time is displayed using 12-hour clock
➜ The display returns to clock time. AL1 or
This will repeat your alarm call at 5-minute
Illumination brightness
where PM or MW lights up.
8 BAND 9
AL2 appears. (See 3)
Press DIM once or more.
1 Check the set is switched off.
Tuner: selects wavebands
Use of controls or adjustments or
➜ At the set alarm time, the radio, CD or
1 During the alarm call, press REPEAT
= The brightness of the display can be
CD: stops CD playback
performance of procedures other
buzzer switches on and about 60 minutes
➜ Display: hour and minute digits flash
later, switches off automatically.
than herein may result in hazardous
2 Repeat if desired (up to a maximum 12
Low Bright Low
(12:00 flashes by default)
Clock: adjusts the hour/minute for clock/
radiation exposure or other unsafe
➜ If you set and activate the same time for
3 Hold down or press HOUR/ MIN
both alarms, only ALARM 1 will be
alarm time (up)
repeatedly to adjust the hours and minutes
activated at the set alarm time.
Switching off the alarm completely
Tuner: tunes to radio stations (down, up)
respectively. Release HOUR/ MIN when you
CD: skips or searches CD track/ passage
Power Supply
➜ You will deactivate the alarms after
• Press ALARM 1 or ALARM 2 once or
have reached the correct setting.
turning on the set.
1 Check if the power voltage, as shown on the
more until the AL1 or AL2 disappears.
backward/ forward
4 Press SET TIME/PROGRAM to confirm.
back of the set, corresponds to your local
• To check your alarm time setting, press
0 VOLUME3, 4 – adjusts volume level
power supply.
Helpful hints:
! PRESET4 – selects a preset radio station
2 Connect the power plug to the wall outlet..
- If no action is executed within 10 seconds, the
Helpful hints:
The power supply is switched on and 12:00
display will return to previous time setting.
@ DISPLAY – toggles clock display/ status of
- If CD alarm mode is selected, a CD must be
appears on the display.You can set the clock
inserted. The buzzer alarm option will auto-
the set
now. (See Setting the clock)
Standby power consumption
matically replace the CD alarm if you
3 To turn off the set completely, withdraw the
(clock mode) 1.0W
have forgotten to insert a CD.
CD: repeats a track /program/ entire CD
power cord from the wall socket.
- If you have an alarm set in the radio or CD mode,
Tuner: selects a preset radio station (up)
make sure you have adjusted the volume loud
The type plate is located on the back
enough to wake you up.
of the set
Meet Philips at the Internet
Digital tuner
CD player
CD player/SLEEP
Maintenance & Safety
Digital tuner
Programming radio stations
Selecting different play
CD player and CD handling
You can store up to a total of 20 radio stations in
CD playback
Tuning to radio stations
Helpful hints:
modes: REPEAT (See 9, 0 )
(See @)
the memory (10 FM and 10 MW), manually or
This set can play audio discs including
- When searching within a final track and you
You can select and change the various play

If the CD player cannot read CDs correctly,
1 Press y to on, then press CD/ TUNER once
automatically (Autostore).
CD-R and CD-RW.
reach the end of the last track, the CD goes to
modes before or during playback, and
use a cleaning CD to clean the lens before
or more to select TUNER.
Do not try to play a CD-ROM, CDI,
taking the set to repair.
Manual programming

stop mode.
combine the modes with PROG.
The display shows TUNER and
VCD, DVD or computer CD.

The lens of the CD player should never be
1 Tune to your desired station (see Tuning to

CDs encoded with copyright protection
REP – plays the current track continuously.
if programmed, a preset number appears
radio stations).

technologies by some record companies may
Programming track
REP ALL – plays the entire disc/program

Sudden changes in the surrounding tempera-
Then, the display shows briefly radio
2 Press SET TIME/PROGRAM to activate
be unplayable by this product.
ture can cause condensation to form and the
station frequency and waveband.
lens of your CD player to cloud over. Playing
1 Lift the CD door at 2 LIFT TO OPEN.
You may store up to 20 tracks in the desired
To select play modes, press REPEAT once
If programmed, PROG appears (See 4)
™ Display: P01. PROG flashes.
a CD is then not possible. Do not attempt to
2 Insert a CD with the printed side facing up,

sequence. If you like, store any track more
or more.
The display returns to clock time (See 5)
3 Press 3,4 once or more to allocate a num-
clean the lens but leave the set in a warm
and close the CD door.

than once.
Press 2; to start playback if in the stop
environment until the moisture evaporates.
The active alarm is switched off. AL1 or
ber from 1 to 10.
3 Press y to on, then press CD/ TUNER once
In the stop position, press SET TIME/PRO-

Always shut the CD door to keep the CD
AL2 disappears.
4 Press SET TIME/PROGRAM to confirm.
or more to select CD.
GRAM to activate programming.
To select normal playback, press REPEAT
compartment dust-free.To clean, dust the

If necessary, press DISPLAY to toggle the
5 Repeat steps 1-4 to store other stations.
➜ Display shows -- and later, the total
compartment with a soft dry cloth.
repeatedly until the various modes are no
clock and radio display.
number of tracks. CD appears.
➜ Display: PROG and P01 flash. (see 8)

To clean the CD, wipe in a straight line from
Helpful hints:
longer displayed.
2 Press BAND 9 to select your desired
➜ The active alarm is switched off. AL1 or
∞ or § to select your desired track
the center towards the edge using a soft, lint-
- You can erase a preset station by storing another
AL2 disappears.

You can also press 9 to cancel your play
free cloth. Do not use cleaning agents as they
waveband, MW or FM.
frequency in its place.
4 Press PLAY/PAUSE 2; to start playback.
may damage the disc.
3 Press and hold ∞ or § until the frequency in
➜ Display: PROG and your desired track

Never write on a CD or attach any stickers
➜ Display shows briefly current track number
the display starts running.
number flash.
to it.
and returns to the clock display.
➜ The radio automatically tunes to a station
Autostore automatically starts programming radio
Press SET TIME/PROGRAM to store the

If necessary, press DISPLAY to toggle the
Safety information (See @)
of sufficient reception.The frequency keeps
stations from preset 1. Any previous presets e.g.
desired track number.
The CD clock radio has a built-in sleep timer,
clock and CD display.

Place the set on a hard and flat surface so
which enables the set to be automatically
running during automatic tuning..
manually programmed will be erased.
➜ Display: PROG and P02 flash for you to
that the system does not tilt.
5 To interrupt playback, press 2;. (See 7)
switched off during radio or CD playback
4 Repeat step 3 if necessary until you find the
In TUNER mode, press and hold SET
program the next track.

Do not expose the set, batteries, CDs to
Press 2; again to resume playback.
TIME/PROGRAM until the frequency and
after a set period of time.
desired station.
Repeat steps 2 to 3 to select and store all
humidity, rain, sand or excessive heat caused
6 Press 9 to stop playback.
PROG flash.
Setting the sleep timer
by heating equipment or direct sunlight.
desired tracks in this way.
• To tune to a weak station, press ∞ or § briefly
➜ Available stations are programmed
Helpful hints: CD play will also stop when:
• During radio or CD playback, press SLEEP

The apparatus shall not be exposed to
and repeatedly until you have found optimal
➜ Display shows --after 20 tracks are
(FM and MW). P and a preset number (1 -
- you open the CD compartment;
once or more until the desired option is
dripping or splashing.
10) appear when a station is stored.
- you select TUNER sound source;
shown. (see !)

Adequate ventilation with a minimum gap of
To improve radio reception:
To play your program, press 2;.
(See 6)
- the CD has reached the end of playback.

15cm between the ventilation holes and sur-
Display shows: 00(off) = 90 (minutes)
For FM, extend and position the FM antenna fully to
➜ After all stations are stored, the first
To review a program
rounding surfaces is necessary to prevent
= 75 = 60 = 45 = 30 = 15
AJ 3977
obtain optimum reception.
autostore preset station automatically
Selecting a different track

In the stop position, press and hold
heat build-up.

= 10 = 00(off)...
SET TIME/PROGRAM until the display

The ventilation should not be impeded by
For MW, the set is provided with a built-in antenna.
∞ or § once or repeatedly until your

desired track number appears in the display.
To view the time countdown to the standby
covering the ventilation openings with items,
Direct the aerial by turning the whole set.
shows all your stored track numbers in
To listen to a preset station
• In the pause/stop position, press 2; to start
mode, press SLEEP again.
such as newspapers, table-cloths, curtains, etc..
Press the PRESET3,4 buttons once or more

No objects filled with liquids, such as vases,
To cancel sleep, press:
until the desired preset station is displayed.
shall be placed on the appartus.
Erasing a program
SLEEP once or more until 00 appears.

No naked flame sources, such as lighted can-
Finding a passage within a track
You can erase the contents of the memory
• or y to switch off.
dles, should be placed on the apparatus.
1 During playback, press and hold down

The mechanical parts of the set contain
∞ or §.
Helpful hints:
– Pressing
self-lubricating bearings and must not be oiled

9 (twice during playback or
The CD is played at a high speed and low
- The active alarm will be switched on when
or lubricated.
once in the stop position)
the SLEEP function is deactivated.

To clean the set, use a soft dry cloth. Do not
2 Release ∞ or § when you recognize the
– Selecting TUNER sound source;
use any cleaning agents containing alcohol,
passage you want.
– opening the CD door.
Printed in China
ammonia, benzene or abrasives as these may
➜ Normal CD playback resumes.
harm the housing.
If a fault occurs, first check the points listed below before taking the set for repair.
If you are unable to remedy a problem by following these hints, consult your dealer or
service center.
WARNING: Do not open the set as there is a risk of electric shock. Under no circum-
stances should you try to repair the set yourself, as this will invalidate the warranty.

No sound
The CD skips tracks
– CD damaged or dirty
– Volume not adjusted
• Replace or clean CD
• Adjust the VOLUME
3, 4
PROG is active
Button fail to react
• Quit PROG mode
Occasional crackling sound during FM
– Electrostatic discharge
• Press the RESET hole, or disconnect the set from
the power supply, and reconnect the set after 5
– Weak signal
• Extend FM antenna fully
Continuous crackling/ hiss disturbance
No disc inserted
during MW broadcast
• Insert a suitable disc
– Electrical interference from TVs, computers,
– CD badly scratched or dirty
fluorescent lamps, etc.
• Replace/ clean CD
• Move set away from other electrical equipment
– Laser lens steamed up
The alarm does not function
• Wait until lens has adjusted to room temperature
– Laser lens dirty
– CD or radio switched on
• Clean lens by playing a CD lens cleaning disc
• Press y to switch off the set.
– CD-R/CD-RW is non-finalized
– Alarm time not set
• Use a finalized CD-R/CD-RW
• See Setting the alarm time
Make sure the CD is not encoded with
Copyright protection technologies, as some
do not conform to the Compact Disc

Environmental information
All unnecessary packaging material has been omitted.The packaging can be easily separated
into three materials: cardboard, polystyrene and plastic.
Your set consists of materials which can be recycled if disassembled by a
specialized company. Please observe the local regulations regarding the
disposal of packaging, dead batteries and old equipment.


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