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Инструкция по эксплуатации Kenwood, модель DNX5280BT

Производитель: Kenwood
Размер: 3.39 mb
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7 Sub function menu Variousfunctionscanbeperformedbyusingkeysinthisarea.For detailsonthekeys,seeSub function menu (P.35). 8 List switching key Touchto switch between the file list and the current file information. Return to the Top page CD, Disc, iPod, USB device, SD card Picture/video screen 9910 9 Searching file area (picture/video file only) • Touchto search the next/previous file. • DuringslideshowinUSBmode,touchingeacharea searchesthenext/previousmusicfile. • Scrollingfrom centerof displaytoleftorrightperformsfastbackwardorfastforward.Tostopfast backward/forward,touchcenterofthe display.Thisfunctionisnotavailablewhenthereisno music filein the currentfolder. 10 Key display area (picture/video file only) Touchto displaythe last control screen. Return to the Top page CD, Disc, iPod, USB device, SD card Multi function menu Music CD Disc media iPod USB device and SD card Thefollowingfunctions canbeperformedbyusingkeysinthisarea. [ ] (Disc media, iPod, USB device and SD card only) Searches track/file.For details on search operation, seeSearch Operation (P.36). [4] [.] Searches the previous/nexttrack/file. [38] Plays or pauses. [7] (music CD and disc media only) Stops playback. [0] (iPod, USB device and SD card only) Touchfor1secondto disconnectthedevice.For details, seeHow To Play Media (P.13). [ ] (iPod only) Entersthehandmode. Operationfromthisunitis disabled.Toexithandmode,touchthiskeyagain. [ ] [ ] (Disc media, USB device and SD card only) Searches previous/nextfolder. [ ] (picture files in USB device and SD card only) Duringpictureplayback, switchestopicture display. [ SETUP] Touchto displaytheSETUPMenu screen.SeeSetting Up (P.66). [ AUDIO] Touchto displaytheAudioControl screen.SeeControlling Audio (P.78). [ EXT SW] Touchto controltheexternaldevicepower supply.For details, seeExternal Device Control (P.77). Return to the Top page CD, Disc, iPod, USB device, SD card Sub function menu Music CD Disc media iPod USB device and SD card Thefollowingfunctions canbeperformedbyusingkeysinthisarea. [ ] Repeats the current track/folder. Each timeyoutouch thekey,repeat mode switchesin thefollowing sequence; CD, iPod:"trackrepeat" ,"repeatoff" Disc media, USB device, SD card:"filerepeat" ,"folderrepeat" ,"repeatoff" [ ] (USB device, SD card and iPod only) Searches trackfromthe albumartworklist.For detailson search operation, seeSearch from album artwork (P.39). [ ] (During video file playback only) Hides allkeys. [1] [.] (Music CD and disc media only) Fastforwardor fast backward. [ ] [ ] (USB device, SD card and iPod only) Plays the previous or nextalbum inFavorite list (P.40). #:##:## or ##:## Confirms playtime. During musicCDplayback,you can also confirm discremaining timebytouching time display. Each timeyoutouch,thedisplayswitchesbetween“P ##:##”(trackplaytimedisplay)and“R ##:##”(disc remaining time). [ ] Randomlyplaysalltracksincurrentfolder/discorincurrentplaylistinthe connectediPod. Eachtimeyoutouchthekey, randommodeswitchesinthefollowing sequence; CD:"track random" , "random off" Disc media, USB device, SD card:"file random" , "random off" iPod:"track random" ,"album random" , "random off" Status bar in center (USB device, SD card and iPod only) Confirms the current location. DuringUSBdevice,SDcardandiPodplayback,you candragthecircleleftorrightto changethe playing position. Return to the Top page CD, Disc, iPod, USB device, SD card Search Operation You can search music,video or picturefiles bythefollowing operations. NOTE • Ifyou usearemote controller,you can jump directlyto the desired track/file with entering the track/folder/file number,playtime,etc.For details, see Direct search mode (P.87). List search You can searchtracks,folders,and files accordingtohierarchy. Touch illustrated area. 1 ListControl screen appears. Touch desired track/file. 2 Playback starts. NOTE • For disc media,you can switch the file list and folder listbytouching[ ]. • For disc media,you cannot displaythe list during random playand stop. Other search Whenyouwanttonarrowthelistdown, thereareother searchways. This functionis notavailable when musicCD is the currentsource. 1 Touch [ ] in the control screen. The search type screen appears. 2 Touch desired search way. USB deviceand SD card iPod The list sorted in the way you selected appears. See the following sections for each operation. • [CategoryList]:You can searchafileby selecting category(P.37). • [LinkSearch]:You can searchafileof same artist/album/genre/composer as the currenttrack (P.37). • [Folder List]:You can searchafile according tohierarchy(P.38). • [ThumbnailViewer]:You can searcha picturefile (P.38). NOTE • For disc media,you can displaythefolder list directlybytouching[ ]. Return to the Top page CD, Disc, iPod, USB device, SD card Category search (USB device, SD card and Link search (USB device, SD card and iPod only) iPod only) Touch the desired category from the 1 Touch the desired item from the left left part of the screen. part of the screen. You can select from art...

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