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4 Следуйте инструкциям – Необходимо следовать всем инструкциям по эксплуатации. 5 Инсталляция – инсталлируйте аппарат в соответствии с инструкциями изготовителя. 6 Источники питания – Это изделие следует подсоединять к источнику питания только того типа, который указан на задней панели. Если Вы не знаете параметров электросети в Вашем доме, обратитесь к Вашему дилеру или в местную электрическую компанию. 7 Заземление и соблюдение полярности – Это изделие не требует заземления. Убедитесь, что вил

Пожалуйста, внимательно прочтите данное руководство. Оно поможет оптимизировать характеристики Вашей аудиосистемы. B&W поддерживает сеть специализированных дистрибьюторов более чем в 60-ти странах. Если у Вас возникли какие-либо проблемы, с которыми не может справиться дилер, наши дистрибьюторы охотно придут на помощь. Проверьте комплектацию Упаковка должна содержать: 2x Рамы/Звукоотражающие панели с динамиками и кроссоверами 2x Декоративные решетки 2x Трафарета для окраски 2x Монтажных шаблона

The crossed wheelie bin symbol indicates compliance and that the products must be appropriately recycled or processed in accordance with these directives. Carton Contents Check in the carton for: 1 Foam plug. 4 Self-adhesive rubber pads. Positioning If using a projection television with an acoustically transparent screen, place the speaker behind the centre of the screen. Otherwise position it directly above or below the screen, whichever is closest to ear level. Align the front of the speaker a

The relay in the speaker needs a certain amount of current to operate, so check the specification of your processor first before proceeding. You will need to draw 45mA for each speaker you want to switch. The relay in the speaker only works when the manual switch is set to the monopole (•) position. If there is no voltage to the trigger input, the speaker stays monopole. If a 12V DC signal is present, the relay overrides the manual monopole setting and switches the speaker to dipole mode. If you

Bi-wiring involves the use of two separate 2-core cables from the same amplifier, one to each pair of terminals. This is the minimum we would recommend, but should you prefer to single wire, perhaps during the initial setup procedure or because you do not want to see a multitude of cables in the room, you must connect both positive and both negative speaker terminals together. midrange, so we recommend that, when single wiring, you connect the cable from the amplifier to the terminals that direc

Use the chart of figure 1 to check the contents for your particular model. Contact your dealer if there are any help the perception of the central image although the formation of such images is missing items. for any listeners sitting away from the never quite as precise as it is between POSITIONING Stray magnetic fields If you are using speakers in a home theatre set-up and you are using a CRT screen (a traditional tube television or back projector), make sure the picture is not going to be dis

First read section 3.3 to familiarise yourself with the design. If the speaker is to be tilted back, fit the front threaded bosses with the cones facing outwards (figure 21) and the rear ones with the cones facing inwards (figure 22). This is as illustrated on the separate sheet placed in the carton. Screw in the feet with locking ring attached, with either the spikes or rubber tips outermost, according to the type of floor surface. Leave the tips of the feet protruding beyond the inner packing