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Инструкция по эксплуатации Philips, модель AS141/12

Производитель: Philips
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EN Install Songbird on PC 1 Go to 2 Search Songbird. 3 Download the latest Songbird application. 4 Follow on-screen instructions to install Philips Songbird on your PC. Sync with PC through Philips Songbird Note ••Make sure that you have turned on the USB storage. 1 On your PC, launch Philips Songbird. 2 Connect your Android-powered device to PC with a USB cable. Wait until the device is recognized by the Songbird. »»On Philips Songbird, the device is displayed when it is recognized by the PC. »»If it is the first time you connect the device to Philips Songbird, a pop-up screen appears. Select auto sync as prompted. »»The device synchronizes with Philips Songbird automatically. If you didn't select auto sync, you can sync with Songbird manually. 1 Select the device under Devices. 2 Select Manual or Auto. songbird EN 3 Click Sync. »» If you have selected auto sync, auto sync starts automatically when you connect the device to the PC. Use more features with DockStudio With Philips DockStudio, you can also listen to Internet radio, set alarm timer and sleep timer. Set alarm timer With Philips DockStudio, you can set multiple alarms and know the latest weather. It even alerts you when weather conditions are suitable for your favorite outdoors activity. 1 Launch the app. 2 Tap the icon to access clock setting menu. 3 Tap [Alarm settings] (Alarm settings). EN 4 Tap to access alarm setting menu. 5 Set the alarm, and tap [Save] (Save) on the top right of the screen. »»The new alarm is saved and displayed on the screen. Note ••From the [Lifestyle] (Lifestyle) tab, you can select your preferred sport and weather (excellent, good, or fair). The alarm will not ring if the weather is not good enough. Set sleep timer 1 Launch Philips DockStudio. 2 Tap the icon to access the sleep timer menu. EN 3 Select a time period for the sleep timer, and then tap [Start] (Start). Note ••This function only works with Philips Songbird. Listen to Internet radio 1 Connect your Android-powered device and the docking system through Bluetooth. 2 Open Philips DockStudio to go to the main menu. 3 Tap [Radio] (Radio) on the screen. 4 Search a radio station in the search bar. 5 Select a radio station from the search result list. »»The radio station begins to broadcast. EN Dock and charge Android- powered phone Dock Android-powered phone To charge your Android-powered phone, you need to dock it in the docking system first. 1 Check the orientation of the micro USB connector on your Android-powered phone. »»If your USB connector has a cover, flip it outwards. 2 If necessary, rotate the USB connector on the docking system, and then place your Android-powered phone into the dock. 3 Adjust the bumpers on both sides of the connector to stabilize the phone. 4 Slide the connector to place your phone in the middle of the docking system. Note ••If the micro USB connector is located at the top, and your are using Android system of version 2.3 or above, screen auto-rotation is available. Use dock extension If the USB connector on your phone is close to the edge, the supplied dock extension can balance the docked phone, as illustrated. 1 Adjust the slide knobs to make both bumpers at the lowest position. EN 2 Place the dock extension onto the dock. 3 Dock your phone. Charge Android-powered phone When the docking system is connected to power, your docked phone starts charging automatically even in standby mode. EN 5 Listen to FM radio Tune to FM radio stations Tip ••Position the antenna as far as possible from TV, VCR, or other radiation source. ••For better reception, fully extend and adjust the position of the antenna. 1 Press SOURCE repeatedly to select FM tuner source. 2 Press and hold / for two seconds. »»The docking system tunes to a station with strong reception automatically. 3 Repeat step 2 to tune to more radio stations. To tune to a station manually: 1 Press / repeatedly until you find optimal reception. Store FM radio stations automatically Note ••You can store a maximum of 20 FM radio stations. In tuner mode, press an hold PROG for two seconds. »»The docking system stores all the available FM radio stations and broadcasts the first available station automatically. Store FM radio stations manually 1 Tune to an FM radio station. 2 Press PROG. »»The preset number begins to blink. 3 Press / repeatedly to select a number. 4 Press PROG again to confirm. 5 Repeat steps 1 to 4 to store other stations. Note ••To remove a pre-stored station, store another station in its place. Select a preset radio station In tuner mode, press / repeatedly to select a preset number. EN 6 Other features Set time 1 Press to switch the docking system to standby mode. 2 Press and hold SET TIME for two seconds. »»The hour and minute digits begin to blink. 3 Press / and / repeatedly to set the hour and minute. 4 Press SET TIME to confirm. »»[12H] or [24H] begins to blink. 5 Press / to select 12/24 hour format. 6 Press SET TIME to confirm. »»The set time...

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