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Corp EDVR Digital Video Recorder functions as a drop in replacement for a VCR. It is offered in two models with and without a 120 Gigabyte Hard Drive. This will completely enable you to take advantage of Digital Recording while giving up your reliance on tapes. I n addition to be a cost saving device for System Integrators, the EDVR ships with a package of remote viewing software and network card. This enables the user to access the EDVR via a 10 Base T Network connection. The EDVR comes with t

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Категория: Видеонаблюдение

17ms or more 1 warning signal input, TTL active low or make contact, pulse-width more than 100ms RS-485, half-duplex asynchronous 6P terminal block, transfer speeds: 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K (bps)_ Hardware Embedded OS Internal 120 gigabyte hard disk drive (upgradeable to 240GB) 1 removable hard disk (optional) Electrical Power source 108-132 VAC; 60 HZ Power consumption Max. 50W Environmental Key Features and Benefits 1 video channel input Simultaneous recording and playback Removable disk

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Internal Storage 250GB/1TB 500GB/1TB 1TB External HD Expansion SATA up to 4TB NA NA Analog Video Input 1V p-p, 75 Ohm 1V p-p, 75 Ohm (dip switch) 1V p-p, 75 Ohm (dip switch) Analog Video Loop-out 16 10/16 (optional cable required) 16 (optional cable required) Recording Modes Schedule, motion detection, alarm input and concurrent Schedule, motion detection, alarm input and concurrent Schedule, motion detection, alarm input and concurrent Video Export USB Drive, Network or optional DVD DVD-R/

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Категория: Видеонаблюдение

Because each ProVidient DVR operating system is isolated from the hard drive that stores video, these reliability issues are eliminated. Intelligent ELMO has added even more intelligence to our DVR system software. It provides proactive email notification to designated users or the administrator. Various fault conditions of the system, alarm inputs or motion detection events are reported, so that appropriate action can be initiated in a timely manner. Ease of use is enhanced through simplified

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Категория: Видеонаблюдение

[714} 828-8457 Fax [714} 828-8429 S' Distributed by: N V J elmo@elmousa.com :: :: copyright elmo usa Corp. 2007. subject to change without notification 0 015 DVR Brochure:Layout 1 8/28/07 3:48 PM Page 3 Embedded Performance That Will Exceed Your Expectations EMR Model EMR-16 Embedded RTOS with simple mouse setup 1 6 video inputs with loop-outs 1 20 fps viewing and recording Sophisticated notification features :: Manage all functions via browser, including file downloads :: Dual analog

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Категория: Видеонаблюдение

INTELLIGENT. UPGRADEABLE. FOCUS ON THE FUTURE Typical EDR Applications EDR-10PV Search/Playback in Live Mode :: Windows® XP embedded OS :: 120 fps viewing and recording :: Search/Playback in Live Mode :: 10 video channel inputs for EDR-10PV and 16 video channel inputs for the EDR-16PV :: Compact wall-mountable chassis :: 500GB expandable to 1TB :: DVD burner standard for file backup :: ELMO VMS Pro Lite software/ P.O.S. upgradeable File view Tools Help EDR-16PV Click in image for

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Категория: Видеонаблюдение

Index Search Performing an Index Search To perform an Index search, follow these steps: 1. Click the Index Search button on the search control panel. The Index Search window appears on the time line: 2. On the Index Search panel, select Motion , Sensor, or Pre-Alarm as the indexing method. The image below shows you that motion occurred on Camera 01. 54 - ELMO USER MANUAL 2003G 3. Click on any frame number. The Time Line marker will jump to the time of that frame recording. PAC INTEGRATIO

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Категория: Видеонаблюдение

ELMO Manufacturing Corp. is a registered trademark of ELMO Company LTD. This manual will guide you through the usage of ELMO DVR Server and ELMO DVR Remote software. If you have any questions or concerns, please visit our website at or contact our technical support team. Limited Warranty ELMO warrants this product to be in compliance with its own plans and specifications, and to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for all parts, excluding the Hard Dr

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No part of this manual may be reproduced or trasmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher. Table of Contents ELMO DVR Server and ELMO DVR Remote.........................................................................................................1 INTRODUCTION .................................................

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Категория: Видеонаблюдение

It is recommended that you change the password for this account or create new users with different levels of security. Creating/Modifying Users To create or modify a user, follow these steps: 1. Login as an administrative user. 2. Click Setup on the main screen. 3. Click the Password Setup tab. 4. Click the Add User button. 5. Enter the User Name and Password. 6. Confirm the Password. 7. Select the features you want the user to be able to access. 8. Click the Save button to save the ne
